Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (2024)


Ars Praefectus


    Also getting back into the game after being gone for several patches, and predictably I can't find where anything is. I'm enjoying myself though, but it seems to have a bunch of smaller bugs? When I try to trade with another empire directly, the resources have a row height of one pixel or so.

    Right-click the game in Steam, select Properties, then the Betas tab, then select stellaris_test. That's the patch that will soon become 2.2.2

    The 2.22 patch is now live and it fixes a LOT of bugs, including the 1 pixel rows in trade bug you've mentioned.

    It's not just "smaller" bugs either. There are issues the size of "robots need consumer goods but have no way to produce them" and "Vassalization wars do not create vassals". Stellaris 2.2 easily needed another month of QA time. :/

    Thanks, I figured this out after I made the post.

    Another hilarious bug with nerve stapling. I got a second species from an event, one that was extremely adaptive and had bonus growth. I was playing a genetic modification, so I figured I would nerve-stable them to make sure that I always had workers for my mines. Pops want to promote to the “specialist” caste even if it doesn’t bring direct benefits, so as long as there are such jobs open, the mines and farms won’t get worked. If you remove those specialist jobs, the pops refuse to demote to the worker caste until they have been unemployed for a while. If you nerve-staple someone, they will be unable to do anything other than the worker-type jobs, so I figured this was an easy fix. This... did not go well. I could do the modification without riots or anything, but once done, all the nerve-stapled specialists got booted out of their jobs without taking the worker jobs - they still refused to demote. OTOH, this left a lot of specialist jobs open, so my worker pops of other species decided to promote, in effect leaving all the mines and fields unworked. I managed to survive the transition by buying food and minerals, but it looked hairy for a while.


    Ars Praefectus


      They said the planet UI change was to help mitigate micromanaging, but its more fiddly now than pre-2.2. Its kind of sad I've had my empire collapse twice when the game AI was turned off and not doing anything so I could figure out the new mechanics unmolested. :facepalm: I still don't have a good grasp on how things balance out between districts and buildings and how the new population/worker system works. I'm running into constant food shortages even though 5 of my 8 worlds, smallest of which is size 18, are agriworlds (pretty much all farm districts and a few food production buildings.) The other two non-capital worlds, a size 24 and 21, are energy and mining/forgeworld respectively and I'm going to need a 3rd energy world soon but don't have the food to expand the population. My research is mediocre, at best, because I can't balance in any research buildings and my fleet is 28 corvettes that I'm afraid to undock least I go negative into a bunch of resources I'm only vaguely aware of. I haven't even touched trade or corporations yet and can't wait to see what management menu nightmare that's going to be.

      Not a big fan of this update so far.


      Deleted member 4603


        There isn't much to trade; build starbases, build trade hubs, collect trade. Add to it with commercial districts or moar trade hubs.

        Resource balancing is... yeah. I like that there is more to it, I hate that you seem limited by SOMETHING no matter how well you try to balance things.

        You can abuse the market, for a time, selling the stuff you make too much of to buy the stuff you lack, but the return is terrible and gets worse as time progresses - especially if you are only ever low on the one thing.

        That said, most of my planets seem fine with fairly balanced buildings and districts - I build 1 of each + 1 generator district on new planets, build a gene clinic as first building and robot factory as 2nd, add a precinct as the 5th or 6th building. Most of my worlds have 1 consumer goods factory, 1 energy nexus, and 1 other production building and then 1 research lab, 1 research institute, and 1 stronghold / fortress. I only have a few specialized worlds, and those mostly due to limits on what districts they will hold.


        Ars Scholae Palatinae

          I ran into one hell of a bug on my current game. I moved my empire capital to a ring world and it disconnected all of my trade routes. It took longer than I care to admit to for me to realize why my energy production went negative. I had to manually reconnect every single upgraded starbase. All 34 of them.

          And speaking of trade, I hope they add a map mode which lets you see the collection range for each star base. The early game each star base has a max range of 2 hops to collect, but late game is 6. I'm certain that I have overlapping collection points which could be better handled, but I haven't figured out a way to find that.


          Deleted member 4603


            I ran into a bug / feature where all ships upgrade to the best ship in that class, rather than to ships of the same class / name.

            So I upgrade to new beams, and it turns all my missile ships into beam ships. Then I reinforce a fleet and it tries to build 20 missile ships to fill the fleet, since all the missile ships in the fleet just became beam ships. I like to keep varied fleets and designs; 20 or so interceptor corvettes, 10 or so PD corvettes, 10 or so missile corvettes, etc. But this is now impossible without constantly re-fitting upgraded ships back to the desired design, or breaking out ships to only upgrade those I want.

            I've basically given up at this point; it may be mods causing my issues, but I just cannot get this game to play "correctly" as I imagine it. Not after the last update, if ever.


            Ars Praefectus


              I ran into one hell of a bug on my current game. I moved my empire capital to a ring world and it disconnected all of my trade routes. It took longer than I care to admit to for me to realize why my energy production went negative. I had to manually reconnect every single upgraded starbase. All 34 of them.

              You have all trade routes going directly to the capital? I have it as a web, where each starbase passes the trade to the next one up the chain. I find it is easier to find issues that way, as the starbase with the issue will have those red arrows in the outliner, as well as...

              And speaking of trade, I hope they add a map mode which lets you see the collection range for each star base. The early game each star base has a max range of 2 hops to collect, but late game is 6. I'm certain that I have overlapping collection points which could be better handled, but I haven't figured out a way to find that.

              ...letting you easily see which starbases can be deleted or repurposed as the collection range of the next one in the chain expands to cover that system.

              I've basically given up at this point; it may be mods causing my issues, but I just cannot get this game to play "correctly" as I imagine it. Not after the last update, if ever.

              IMO, the current beta version (2.2.4 beta, "stellaris_test"), has really fixed a lot of issues.

              My favorite entry:

              We completely redid sectors again and, Worm willing, this might be the least bad they've ever been.

              Really? Completely redid sectors AGAIN? The last one actually wasn't too bad of a change. I mean, it was radical, but it actually worked out fairly well in practice. Although I did like the DIY with QoL mods which let me have more sectors/systems owned.

              LOL, some more funny bits

              Pops living on a low habitability world will hate their jobs more and bang less often. Millennials on Earth quoted as saying, "Same."

              Miner job weights DO care about being proles because that's a real job, son. Where you get your hands dirty. Builds character. But sure, it's your life. Who am I to tell you who you are and aren't allowed to disappoint?

              Planetary administrators can now be told to go look up a f*cking build order on the TL forums instead of bugging you every time they have a construction slot open.

              EDIT: And...well. Shut-up and take my money. *sigh*

              Maybe I can hold off long enough for it to go on sale and I can save a few dollars.


              Ars Scholae Palatinae


                The new archeology sites are very similar to EU4 sieges; park a scientist there and every so often a new "did we find anything?" roll happens. Low rolls can cause bad events (scientist dead/maimed/something else), average rolls cause an uptick in % completed, and high rolls cause a higher % completed increase and a chance at a good event (like free artifacts, minerals, or energy). A higher skill scientist increases the chances of good rolls.

                It's been a lot of fun land-grabbing to get as many sites as I can, then watching what new


                exciting things I dig up. The lore bits are well written and interesting, as usual. Gives more to do in the early and mid game. I'm enjoying it so far.


                Ars Praefectus


                  I realize that there is a big Steam sale on, but if you ever considered trying out Stellaris, there is no better time than now. The game is stable open both meanings of the word (the base game doesn’t change a lot, and the game doesn’t crash), it runs well, there are lots of interesting things to do, and the base game is currently €10. All DLC except MegaCorp and Ancient Relics are 50% off, and there is a bundle of the base game and the two most important expansions (Utopia and Apocalypse) for €27.

                  (I think the $ prices are 1:1 to the €, but I can’t easily check).


                  Deleted member 4603


                    I realize that there is a big Steam sale on, but if you ever considered trying out Stellaris, there is no better time than now. The game is stable open both meanings of the word (the base game doesn’t change a lot, and the game doesn’t crash), it runs well, there are lots of interesting things to do, and the base game is currently €10. All DLC except MegaCorp and Ancient Relics are 50% off, and there is a bundle of the base game and the two most important expansions (Utopia and Apocalypse) for €27.

                    (I think the $ prices are 1:1 to the €, but I can’t easily check).

                    They have completely changed how sectors and planet construction and such work *TWICE* in the last year... Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (3)

                    The patch notes even joked about it.

                    That said, that is kind of a good thing - game is much, much better now, if you ask me.


                    Ars Praefectus


                      Sectors aren't core to the game anymore. All they do now is that you can spend money on a governor that can govern a group of planets, and it is largely optional. 2.2 was less than a year ago, fair enough, but since then it hasn't changed very much.

                      Yes pop growth is stupid. Yes diplomacy is stupid, but it always was. Ethics just don't change very much at all. You can ignore a lot of those things and just play a nice 4X game in space. Utopia has become an essential expansion, which isn't the way it's supposed to work, but at least there is a whole group of expansions that you "need" to buy.


                      Deleted member 4603


                        Could not help myself, grabbed the steam starter pack sale (base, utopia, apocalypse) and I added leviathans and distant stars.

                        hopefully it will be more fun than ue4 and less hard/obtuse...

                        It both is, and isn't.

                        If you play vanilla, be ready to spend abut 2/3 of your game with your empire subjugated by some ungodly powerful Fallen Empire, but you can actually recover from that, eventually.

                        It isn't *hard* per se, there is just a *lot* going on, tons of resources to unlock with research, then acquire / stockpile, etc.

                        I mod, and straight up cheat - I have no idea how the vanilla game expects you to manage an empire of more than a few planets, much less ever get to where you can compete with the Fallen Empires.


                        Deleted member 4603



                          Ars Praefectus


                            thanks for the info. I'm on linux, I dont know how well mods will work or such, if they are scripts or binary.

                            anyway, I'll give it a crack on the weekend and see how well I do (or dont!)

                            I think they should work on Linux, but I don't think you can just install from workshop in linux? Not sure, having not ran Linux since, oh, 1999 or so Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (7)

                            Workshop works fine under Linux, I have all my mods from there and they work flawlessly across Windows and Linux. Regarding Fallen Empires, I haven't had too much trouble with them, aside from that one time when I was like "f*ck yourself, this gaia planet is mine!"...yeah that didn't end well.
                            The Grey Tempest on the other hand... :scared:


                            Deleted member 4603


                              Something seems to be preventing EndGame crises from occurring in my current setup.

                              And, again, I didn't play vanilla for long so it is entirely possible I'm wrong, but every game I played for the first year or so, until I started modding, ended with me getting ROFLStomped by 200k+ fleets, when my best fleet was 5k or so and I'm fighting resource shortages for every single resource in the game other than food.

                              Even modded, I have to avoid the triggers for them getting pissed off for much of the early game, but can at least get to a point where I'm on par with them. And colonizing new planets does not instantly bankrupt my empire, thanks to having ways to grow admin limit.

                              The only real playthrough I ever played was more imbalanced towards the player. We literally were waiting forever for the Endgame Crisises to show up, I eventually used some cheats to spawn as many as I could. We still slammed them. Then again, we never touched the workshop.

                              As long as you don't colonize something you shouldn't or do something silly to Fallen Empires, it's usually pretty easy to let them just do their thing. I'm sure it can also depend on what your racial choices are - some hate certain government types/policies more than others.

                              I put in some hours on the lowest star setting with easiest ai etc.

                              omg. so much stuff to manage I just dont even...... presidents, districts, planets. exploring space, managing one wheat field and presidential election at a time. Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (10)

                              havnt figured out the hotkey thing on the bottom. the little icon (red/yellow) has 1 ship on it and cant figure out how to change or what its for.

                              so much to learn. omg

                              havnt figured out the hotkey thing on the bottom. the little icon (red/yellow) has 1 ship on it and cant figure out how to change or what its for.

                              I have played about 2100 hours of Stellaris and literally never used those hotkeys. Unless you're playing multiplayer at fastest speed with no pauses there's absolutely no need, you have as long as you need to do everything.


                              Ars Scholae Palatinae


                                havnt figured out the hotkey thing on the bottom. the little icon (red/yellow) has 1 ship on it and cant figure out how to change or what its for.

                                If you're referring to the 1, 2, 3 hotkeys on the bottom left of the screen, those are keyboard shortcuts. Press 1, the UI will focus on whatever is tied to the 1 key. Press 2, etc. By default it's assigned to a research ship and your home planet, but you can replace those shortcuts with CTRL+1, CTRL+2, etc. I like to assign them to my quick response corvette fleets.

                                havnt figured out the hotkey thing on the bottom. the little icon (red/yellow) has 1 ship on it and cant figure out how to change or what its for.

                                If you're referring to the 1, 2, 3 hotkeys on the bottom left of the screen, those are keyboard shortcuts. Press 1, the UI will focus on whatever is tied to the 1 key. Press 2, etc. By default it's assigned to a research ship and your home planet, but you can replace those shortcuts with CTRL+1, CTRL+2, etc. I like to assign them to my quick response corvette fleets.

                                oooh ok. because the game set those up, I thought it was supposed to like cycle through stuff or something. Couldnt figure out why it was so tied to just 1 science ship when I had like 5 of them. Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (13)


                                Ars Praefectus


                                  havnt figured out the hotkey thing on the bottom. the little icon (red/yellow) has 1 ship on it and cant figure out how to change or what its for.

                                  If you're referring to the 1, 2, 3 hotkeys on the bottom left of the screen, those are keyboard shortcuts. Press 1, the UI will focus on whatever is tied to the 1 key. Press 2, etc. By default it's assigned to a research ship and your home planet, but you can replace those shortcuts with CTRL+1, CTRL+2, etc. I like to assign them to my quick response corvette fleets.

                                  oooh ok. because the game set those up, I thought it was supposed to like cycle through stuff or something. Couldnt figure out why it was so tied to just 1 science ship when I had like 5 of them. Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (14)

                                  Always trust the good old...WarCraft II? hotkeys. Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (15)

                                  I don't even remember what game started using ctrl-X to bind 1-9, but to me it's almost like ctrl-w in a browser, I kind of expect it to just be there for any kind of strategy game that deals with armies/fleets/whatnot.


                                  Deleted member 4603


                                    I really need to get back into this again. Ever since they added trade routes and the planet overhaul I just have not been able to wrap my head around either feature. The federations dlc sounded pretty good, I had skipped the megacorp and rock creatures dlc.

                                    Megacorp is actually kind of fun. You aren't worried over "conquering" the other cultures; you just want to put branch offices on all their planets Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (17)


                                    Ars Legatus Legionis


                                      So I just picked this up a few days ago, and I'm slapping my head against it. I get the exploration bit, I can colonize planets/expand my boundaries/build mines & research stations/etc., but I'm not quite grokking planetary management, any rock/paper/scissors stuff with space ships & stations, and overall empire management is just a touch iffy. Also, while I get that the tech tree is more of a tech "deck", I'm not sure if there are certain strategies for research which work better than others. Can anybody suggest a good tutorial for getting up to speed? Tried the one in the Wiki, and it's got a bit of a 10k overview feel to it.


                                      Ars Legatus Legionis


                                        Steallaris is on sale for $6.99 on IndieGalla. Comes in the form of a steam key. I've heard great things about it, so I went ahead and picked it up for myself.

                                        Good plan!

                                        Base game is good, although I've picked up most of the DLCs at this point (I usually wait for sales, which means balancing patches and tweaks have already come out), so I don't even recall what the base game would be like to play, lol.

                                        It has been a while so maybe they fixed this, but I hated the late game of it. The early game to parts of the mid were great and a lot of fun. But once it got later it just became a slog, imo.

                                        Steallaris is on sale for $6.99 on IndieGalla. Comes in the form of a steam key. I've heard great things about it, so I went ahead and picked it up for myself.

                                        Good plan!

                                        Base game is good, although I've picked up most of the DLCs at this point (I usually wait for sales, which means balancing patches and tweaks have already come out), so I don't even recall what the base game would be like to play, lol.

                                        It has been a while so maybe they fixed this, but I hated the late game of it. The early game to parts of the mid were great and a lot of fun. But once it got later it just became a slog, imo.

                                        That's the problem I have with it. I have never been to late game, it gets too tedious mid-to-late game and I get sick of it by then. It really needs to be simplified quite a bit.

                                        Note that just like all the other Paradox games, it's very DLC heavy, and the cost adds up a lot. I was hoping that eventually there's a humble bundle for it or something. It's definitely worth trying though.


                                        Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius


                                          If you are on the fence, the base game is a great experience even by itself for $7. As far as fixing end game grind/slow down, the solution on Reddit is to reduce the habital planet percentage when you create a new game as low as .25. That reduces the number of worlds keeping the simulation speedy as the universe expands.

                                          Also, that forces you to make sub-optimal colonization choices adding better reasons to go after techs that improve environment adaptability earlier in the game. Further, it forces everyone to fight for optimal planets. I played through a game on this setting and it was definitely a lot less tedious management (i.e. less tedious planet management).

                                          Stellaris 3.12 Andromeda: in the Machine Age, can I autocomplete my empire? (2024)
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