SpongeBob SquarePants S4E1 "Fear of a Krabby Patty" / "Shell of a Man" - TV Tropes (2024)


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SpongeBob SquarePants S4E1 "Fear of a Krabby Patty" / "Shell of a Man" - TV Tropes (1)

"Don't eat me! I'm too chewy!"

Fear of a Krabby Patty

Original air date: 5/6/2005 (produced in 2004)

In this first post-first movie episode, Plankton (as Dr. Peter Lankton) gives an order of 10,000 Krabby Patties to wear SpongeBob out, and ends up making SpongeBob afraid of Krabby Patties.

"Fear of a Krabby Patty" contains examples of:

  • Absurd Phobia: SpongeBob becomes afraid of Krabby Patties after working nonstop and not getting any sleep.
  • Animation Bump: Although on par with season 1's animation, it is much smoother than the previous two seasons.
  • Answer Cut: Right when Plankton yells, "Why won't you wake up?!", we cut to the hypnosis-induced dream SpongeBob is having, which is curing his fear.
  • Art Evolution: Starting with this episode, the colors are brighter than in the first three seasons and the first movie. Also, since C.H. Greenblatt mainly worked on this episode, the facial expressions are a lot more exaggerated and expressive (which is common in his episodes).
  • Artistic License – Biology: The Krusty Krew would've dropped dead from sleep deprivation had they tried working 24 hours every day (especially 43 days straight) with no breaks in reality.
  • Bait-and-Switch Sentiment: The Krabby Patty in SpongeBob's dream tells him that "I'll always be with you, right here", and points to his chest. SpongeBob asks "In my heart?", but the Patty clarifies "actually, in your arteries."
  • Batman Gambit: Plankton's initial plan involves him opening his restaurant for 23 hours, correctly guessing that Mr. Krabs will want to one-up him and keep the Krusty Krab open 24/7.
  • Bedtime Brainwashing: After using hypnosis to put SpongeBob to sleep, Plankton subliminally tries to get him to tell the Krabby Patty formula, but it fails and SpongeBob instead gets a dream which gets rid of his fear and he can finally make patties again.
  • Big "NO!": SpongeBob lets out one of these as he imagines giant Krabby Patties attacking him before Plankton.

    SpongeBob: They're coming for me! No! NO! NOOOO!! Stay... BACK!!

  • Bottle Episode: Most of the episode is set at the Krusty Krab and Chum Bucket.
  • Butt-Monkey: Plankton when SpongeBob comes to see him for therapy, resulting in Plankton being hit with a piano. Twice.
  • Counting to Three: Downplayed; Plankton does it during SpongeBob's hypnosis treatment, which in turn zonks him out when he's finished.
  • Didn't Think This Through: The idea behind forcing Mr. Krabs to keep the Krusty Krab open 24/7 was to make SpongeBob so exhausted that he would give up the formula. Instead, the endless work causes him to develop psychological problems which make it impossible for him to divulge anything, as he becomes deathly afraid of Krabby Patties to the extent that he can't even look at one, let alone divulge the formula. Plankton only realizes just how badly things have gone when a panicking SpongeBob upsets his therapist ploy.
  • Dream Reality Check: When SpongeBob hears that the Krusty Krab is now open 24 hours, he repeatedly pinches himself in the side and yells out in pain, realizing that he's not dreaming.
  • Eye Scream: During SpongeBob's therapy session:

    Plankton: I want you to close your eyes.
    (SpongeBob closes his eyes)
    Plankton: Tighter.
    (SpongeBob tightens his eyes)
    Plankton: Tighter.
    (SpongeBob's eyelids tear like paper)
    Plankton: Too tight!

  • Foreshadowing: Prior to using hypnotherapy on SpongeBob, Plankton refers to it as his "most powerful method of curing [him]." This is the technique that cures his fear of Krabby Patties minutes after.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Plankton's plan is to open the Chum Bucket for 23 hours so the Krusty Krab can stay open 24/7, resulting in SpongeBob eventually cracking from exhaustion so he can tell him the formula. Not only does SpongeBob get exhausted, he actually becomes afraid of Krabby Patties.
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: Of the bags under Squidward's eyes, complete with the sound of a woman Screaming at Squick.
  • Hallucinations: After staying awake and working for 43 straight days, SpongeBob hallucinates everyone he sees as giant Krabby Patties.
  • Hammerspace: SpongeBob gets a piano out of nowhere.

    Plankton: Wait, where'd you get that piano?

  • Hypno Pendulum: Plankton uses this as his final psychiatric exercise for SpongeBob so he can hypnotize him into divulging the formula, but it doesn't work and ends up curing him of his fear.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • Mr. Krabs opens the Krusty Krab 24/7, forcing his employees to work non-stop without breaks. This comes back to bite him since he's not allowed to sleep or break either, causing him to go just as insane as his employees.
    • Plankton himself also receives this. Having a piano drop on him twice, and his hypnosis give him nothing.
  • Mean Boss: One of Mr. Krabs' harsher examples is when he forces his employees to work 24 hours a day with no breaks, or even being allowed to go home! It comes back to bite Krabs as he ends up suffering from the same lack of sleep his employees do. At the end of the episode, Krabs is genuinely happy that SpongeBob has been cured of his phobia and they both share a healthy, happy laugh until Krabs angrily demands him to get back to work.
  • Meat-O-Vision: SpongeBob sees Krabby Patties everywhere after being overworked. Unlike most examples, he does not find this appetizing.
  • Mundane Solution: Turns out the only thing needed to cure SpongeBob's Krabby Patty phobia was a nap. Plankton learns this the hard way.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: In his final attempt to get SpongeBob to tell him the formula, Plankton resorts to hypnotherapy; but this technique is what cures him of his fear of Krabby Patties minutes later.
  • One-Episode Fear: Working nonstop for 43 days not only causes SpongeBob to crack from exhaustion, but also causes him to develop a phobia of Krabby Patties, preventing him from working until he sees a psychiatrist.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: "Dr. Peter Lankton" is really Plankton in disguise, yet he manages to fool Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob easily.
  • Piano Drop: SpongeBob does this twice to Plankton.
  • Quack Doctor: SpongeBob was forced to make Krabby Patties for non-stop for days on end without any sleep. Eventually, due to being sleep-deprived, he starts hallucinating and develops a fear of a Krabby Patty. Plankton tries to take advantage of this by disguising himself as a psychologist named Dr. Peter Lankton in order to try to get SpongeBob to tell him the Krabby Patty ingredients. After using hypnosis, SpongeBob falls asleep, which cures his fears. However, still trying to get the ingredients, Plankton claims otherwise.
  • Recycled Premise: Mr. Krabs previously opened the Krusty Krab 24 hours a day in "Graveyard Shift". This episode takes it from there in quite a different direction, however.
  • Running Gag: Plankton getting crushed by a piano.
  • Shout-Out:
    • SpongeBob's hypnosis-induced dream has a reference to E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.

      Krabby Patty: Remember, SpongeBob. I'll always be with you, (points a glowing finger at SpongeBob's chest) right here.
      SpongeBob: In my heart?
      Krabby Patty: Actually, in your arteries.

    • The word association exercise between Plankton and SpongeBob references the famous line of the song "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off" from Shall We Dance? that named You Say Tomato.

      Plankton: Potato.
      SpongeBob: Potahto.
      Plankton: Tomato.
      SpongeBob: Tomahto.

  • Take That!: When trying to wake SpongeBob up, Plankton wonders what's considered loud and obnoxious. He then pulls out a flip phone and plays a ringtone.
  • Time-Passes Montage: One occurs during the day the Krusty Krab stays open endlessly without any breaks. Doubles as a Hard-Work Montage with SpongeBob working nonstop.
  • Too Dumb to Fool: Plankton impersonates a psychologist to trick SpongeBob into revealing the Krabby Party formula. Of course, SpongeBob is too dumb to follow any of his ploys, rendering Plankton's plan entirely moot.

    Plankton: But what about the formula?
    SpongeBob: You're right. I gotta get back to work.

  • Vocal Evolution: Continuing from the movie, SpongeBob's voice is now higher-pitched.
  • Warm Milk Helps You Sleep: In SpongeBob's dream, the Krabby Patty gives him a cookie pizza and a glass of chocolate milk ("The king of flavored dairy drinks!") to comfort him.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: What became of the 10,000 Krabby Patties?
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: SpongeBob's fear of Krabby Patties after working too much.
  • Word Association Test: Plankton tries one on SpongeBob to trick him into revealing the ingredients to the Krabby Patty, but SpongeBob takes it as repeating the same words Plankton just said.

SpongeBob SquarePants S4E1 "Fear of a Krabby Patty" / "Shell of a Man" - TV Tropes (2)

It's ol' Armor Abs Krabs in the flesh!

Shell of a Man

Original air date: 5/6/2005 (produced in 2004)

Mr. Krabs is planning to attend a reunion for his old navy buddies, but unfortunately, he sheds his shell the day of the reunion, so SpongeBob uses his shell to go to the reunion in his place, pretending to be his boss.

"Shell of a Man" contains examples of:

  • Actually Pretty Funny: Krabs is mad at first when he finds out SpongeBob and Squidward do impressions of him behind his back. He ends up laughing at most of them.
  • Bait-and-Switch Accusation: After SpongeBob makes a speech about blowing bubbles in Jellyfish Fields:

    Torpedo Belly: Where do you think you're going?! Everybody knows there's two things old Armor Abs Krabs would never do!
    Mr. Krabs: Oh no...
    Lockjaw Jones: Number one is spend a penny.
    Torpedo Belly: And the other one is leave without giving old Torpedo Belly one of your world-famous steely belly butts!

  • Big "NO!": Mr. Krabs screams this right when he molts (though it happens offscreen), which startles SpongeBob. He screams it again near the end before revealing to his navy buddies that he's molted his shell.
  • Bigger on the Inside: When SpongeBob is punched while wearing Mr. Krabs' shell, the inside of the shell is big enough for him to ricochet between the walls.
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: The episode ends as SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs share a happy and hearty laugh upon learning Mr. Krabs was not the only one who had a weird secret to hide.
  • Flock of Wolves: After Mr. Krabs confesses to the ruse, his navy buddies each confess their own secrets, showing that they too weren't as tough as they used to be.
  • Foreshadowing
    • Mr. Krabs' first tattoo is on a loose piece of shell in his treasure collection instead of on his body. This is the first sign that he sometimes molts.
    • The noticeable absence of Torpedo Belly's prized torpedo could be taken as a dead giveaway to the ending when Mr. Krabs finally comes clean to his navy buddies.
  • Furry Reminder: The otherwise anthropomorphic Mr. Krabs molts his shell like a real crab.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: The navy buddies reveal they each have a Dark Secret themselves; while Mr. Krabs molted out of his armor abs, Torpedo Belly had his torpedo surgically removed, Mutton Chop's muttonchops are fake, Lockjaw Jones now wears dentures, and Ol' Iron Eye's iron eye is actually made of Formica.
  • Oh, Crap!: Spongebob has this when Krabs kicks his shell in anger, inadvertently causing it to ricochet towards Spongebob.
  • Perfect Disguise, Terrible Acting: Though Spongebob manages to physically resemble his boss, his cover is nearly blown when he starts talking about his childish hobbies, such as blowing bubbles or jellyfishing. Krabs then orders him to leave the meeting before his navy buddies figure out he is an impostor.
  • Removable Shell: Mr. Krabs molts his shell for the first time (which will happen again in "Shell Shocked" and "Company Picnic").
  • Shout-Out: Mr. Krabs refers to himself as "the toughest of the tough" — his most direct reference to date to his inspiration Scrooge McDuck, who was "tougher than the toughies."
  • Spoof Aesop: A lesson is intentionally parodied by Krabs pointing out at the end that while all of his friends have admitted to not being as tough as they used to be, all he has to do is wait for his shell to grow back.
  • Teeth Flying: After being punched while pretending to be Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob spits out a tooth. Krabs' navy buddies are not impressed, but then SpongeBob spits out a couple more. "Teeth. Now that's manly!" And then he spits out his skull, spinal cord and ribs.
  • True Companions: Mr Krabs's naval buddies turn out to be this; they give him the trophy he so deserves, praising him for coming clean about molting out of his 'Armor Abs', and reveal they too were not as tough as they used to be.
SpongeBob SquarePants S4E1 "Fear of a Krabby Patty" / "Shell of a Man" - TV Tropes (2024)
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