Sacred Stones - Chapter 4 - Anonymous - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Tonight they will welcome new beginnings.

“I’ll go.”

An escape is needed, she cannot deal with the strangeness of Bellatrix aloof any longer even if it’s something Hermione has come to expect. She is still tender between the legs, and can feel the bruise on her hip left by Bellatrix’s teeth.

They need more supplies. Andi had asked if someone would go to the shop and Hermione was the first to offer. She needs to leave, to catch her breath away from everyone and to get some solitude.

“Ah, Bella volunteered too, you can make sure she gets everything.” Andi suggests handing Hermione a list.

The list is pressed into her hand and her eyes glance at the scribbled items. “Oh, don’t worry then… She probably doesn’t need any help.”

“Nonsense.” The concern is dismissed as Bellatrix appears. “Bella, Hermione is going with you.”

“Fine with me.”

The roll of the shoulder, a shrug, and the keys swinging between fingers as Bellatrix heads to the car park. With a forced smile, Hermione grabs her cardigan to throw over her dress, the sun warm, but the wind bites.

“Who’s car is this?” Hermione questioned sliding into the passenger seat.

“A family we know here.”

The answer is casual, so Hermione couldn’t imagine the familiarity between Bellatrix and the families. It’s electric, the car turns over silently as Bellatrix drives from the carpark in silence. Radio two hums in the background, the aircon refreshing, Hermione wonders how Bellatrix can remain wearing trousers in heat like this.

“Andi told me.” Bellatrix breaks the initial silence. “About the divorce.”


She's not sure what else to say. It's not her business, but if Bellatrix wishes to talk about it then she will listen.

“About time.” The click of the indicator the foot poised above the pedal. “Honestly, finally. Andi is better off.”

“Ted seems nice.” Hermione retorts, lurching in her seat as Bellatrix pulls out into traffic.

“Sure he is, but he's never achieved anything. He doesn't come from anything.”

“Come from anything?”

“His family are nobodys.”

‘Nobodys?’ Hermione mulls the word over in her mind. She knew Bellatrix came from old money but surely Bellatrix wasn't bothered by this?

The supermarket is heaving on arrival, everyone is out buying items for barbecues, so it takes much longer than they expected to get some of the supplies. Her stomach grumbles half way through shopping, and she ends up spending ten minutes trying to decide which sandwich she wants. Much to the huff of annoyance from Bellatrix, who stands behind her, foot tapping.

“What are you doing?” Bellatrix finally demands.

She would have thought that to be obvious as she reads the ingredients to the sandwich in her hand.


“Just buy the mixed chicken katsu or the salmon sandwich.”

The frown deepens as Bellatrix grabs a sandwich at random and throwing it in her basket before walking away to select a drink. ‘How does she know what I always have?’ She selects the chicken katsu and a bottle of water as she trails behind Bellatrix.

The older woman placed the meal in the basket waving away Hermione’s protest to buy her own lunch. Feeling perhaps even more bewildered when Bellatrix selects Hermione’s regular snack from the shelf without a single look of confirmation.

It’s hot, she’s glad she’s wearing a dress as they queue at the checkout the aircon doing little to help inside the shop.

“There’s a park nearby.”


“There’s a park nearby, we’ll stop there before heading back. If I hear Weasley do that impression one more time, I'll stab him with this wooden spork.”

A chuckle from Hermione as she nods in agreement and she packs their items silent in the paper bags. Bellatrix again waved away the offer to pay, tapping her phone against the card reader. They head out in silence, Bellatrix sliding her shades on as soon as they reach the outside world.

Sipping her water, Hermione opened the window happy to have the fresh air. Enjoying the scenery as Bellatrix detours to a nearby park. They find a parking space away from the other cars and away from the masses enjoying themselves.

“Did you wan-”

The kiss is unexpected, she didn’t hear the click of the seatbelt, and the lips against her own make her jerk in surprise. The hand grasping her chin holding her in place, she feels her own seatbelt click and move out of the way. She grips the woman willing her closer, wishing to have Bella against her.

A flush of embarrassment as a hand slides against her bare thigh, the slightest graze of a finger against her soaking pants. The sweep of the tongue against her lips, she gasps at the touch.

“There’s people around.” It’s a desperate whisper as Hermione breaks the kiss.

“Then you best keep an eye out.”

Agile, the finger slips beneath the thin fabric, the slow caress of her cl*t, she’s embarrassingly wet. Dripping almost against the fingers that glide against her slickness. Bella’s lips attach to her neck and she groans clutching the woman’s arm.

A single digit slips inside her and she opens her thighs wider allowing easier access. Two fingers. Hermione moans as Bella’s finger enters her punishingly, her head hitting the headrest. She can feel the build in her stomach. Her toes curl.

“I hope you’re keeping an eye out.”

It’s extremely difficult to force her eyes open to take in the surroundings, in broad daylight with families nearby. People walking their dogs. The fingers unrelenting as they slide in and out, the smell of her arousal.

“Please.” A gasped plea against Bella’s hair.

“Come for me.”

Too quickly she's flung over the edge, the mouth swallowing her moans. The fingers slow but never pause; they draw out the org*sm before stopping. They remain inside her, the thumb flicking over her cl*t.

In no time the fingers begin to move again pumping in and out of her.

“There's a family.” Hermione warns.

“I know.” It's a gleeful response..

Bella’s fingers never pause as they drag her closer once again to the abyss. Hermione’s eyes strained as she watches the family move closer, laughing meters from the car.

She's shocked they can't hear the sound of Bella’s fingers pumping into her.

“Just imagine.” A heated taunt. “If they catch me fingers deep inside your c*nt.”

“God, please.”

“He can't help you.”

The twist of the fingers hits differently making her arch into the hand.


They break apart. Bella is back in her seat and Hermione drags her dress down to cover her thighs. Flushed, she watches a family walk past the car with a small dog.

Flinching as Bellatrix hands her the food they bought, almost oblivious to the fact that she was fingers deep inside her not a minute ago. Hermione’s fingers tremble as they try to open the packaging of her food.

A mutter of warning leaves Hermione’s lips as a hand sneaks between her legs once more. Fingers lazily playing with her cl*t.

“Bella… please.”

“Tell me to stop. I will.”

Well, she won't do that. A smirk, it grows, the family just out of sight and they collide once more. The fingers slip inside her easily as though they belong. The hot tongue sliding into her mouth.

“Such a good girl.”

“f*ck.” She comes again.

“What took so long?” Ginny questions as they arrive with bags of shopping.

“We stopped for lunch.” Hermione replied, as she handed a bag to the approaching Ron.

Proud of herself for not once looking at Bellatrix as she helps Andi unpack the bag. She spends the rest of the day speaking with the woman and helping prepare dinner.

All the while her mind remains trapped in the car and can still feel Bella’s lips against her neck. The hand moving between her thighs, almost feel Bella’s fingers inside her.

“We need to talk.”

“Christ, Ginny!”

Hand on heart, Hermione clutches her chest in shock. Hands damp from washing them, she did not expect to be cornered by Ginny outside the toilets.

Arms folded, Ginny waits for Hermione to recover. “What's wrong?”

A scoff from Ginny before she grabs Hermione's elbow dragging her away from the toilets. It makes her mind flash back to the other night with Bellatrix leading her to the forest.

“Spill, what's going on?”

“Going on?” The reply is short, she tries to act indifferent.

She was never good at acting, never one to fool Ginny. She knows guilt is written over her face, did Ginny know? Ginny was in the nearest tent, had she heard Bellatrix and Hermione the other night? Had she seen them?

She knows Bellatrix wouldn't want anyone to know. Hermione doesn't want anyone to know.

“What's going on with you and Andi?” The sharp question.

“What? Wait, what do you think is happening?”

“Do you like her? Hermione I've seen the way you've been talking.”

“God no.” A laugh from Hermione the relief setting in. “Nothing is happening.”

“Hermione, I've seen you two together. Just, I care, okay so be careful.”

“She's getting a divorce Ginny.” Hermione interrupts her friend. “Nothing is happening.”

“A divorce?” A slow blink as Ginny absorbs the information. “Is that why she was arguing with Bellatrix?

“With Bellatrix?”

“This morning when you were showering, they were arguing. I thought it was because Bellatrix was seeing that American chick.”

“American, the one from the other day?”

“Yeah, I saw them coming back from the field the other day. Like, it's not the most discreet. We all know what you were doing in the bushes.”

Did Ginny see Hermione and Bellatrix the other night? Her chest tightens, the stirring in her stomach.

“When was this?”

“Yesterday afternoon. At least wait till evening… I'm sorry. I assumed you weren't interested in her anymore.”

“I'm not.” If her voice breaks a little she hopes Ginny doesn't notice.

“Oh good. Sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you, I just didn't want you getting hurt.”

‘Too late.’

Something she mastered a long time ago was forcing her feelings down. Taking Ginny's arm, she leads them back to the group. Her heart aches, she feels hollow with each step.

‘What does it matter? It was a good f*ck.’

It's a lie she tells herself, she is not proud of it. Never will be proud but she accepts the joint from Ron not long later. The drink hits differently as they head to the solstice.

The air is different and the atmosphere is almost magical as the sun begins to set. They gather, Hermione slightly wobbly but she has Ginny attached to her side. The click of the camera, they watch the celebration take place.

The smell of smoke from the nearby bonfires, the warmth of friends pressed near her. The swimming of her vision from the drink.

To new beginnings. Isn't that what they're here for?

The warmth at her back is different, it's electric, a storm barely contained.

“You're ignoring me.” A hissed whisper against her neck.

“Isn't that what you wanted?” Hermione retorts.

Ginny has since gripped Harry as Bellatrix closes in even more. The hand at the base of her spine is like fire; it ignites her body.

“I thought so.”

“Thought so?” Hermione scoffs side-eyeing the woman.

“You didn't want anything either.” Bellatrix reminds Hermione.

The woman's breath is hot against her neck. It's an internal fight not to turn around and to take Bellatrix's lips with her own.

“What do you want Bella?”

“A truth.”

Frustrated Hermione turns from the solstice celebrations to acknowledge the woman in her space. Barely a nose breadth apart.

“What do you want?” A simple question. “Because I know you don't want a relationship.”

“Is that what you want?”

“I don't know.” She doesn't know what she wants; she's trying to figure it out. “I'm not exactly up to your standard. I'm from a family of nobodys.”

“That's unfair.”


“Different circ*mstances.”

“Explain them to me.”

“I don't owe you an explanation. It's different, you don't know my family. But it's different.”

“What about the American girl? Ginny saw you come from the same place you took me.”

Dark eyes slip through the crowd to Ginny who is watching them both suspiciously. A grimace on Bella's face before she turns her attention back to Hermione.

“She doesn't know what she saw.”

“Not a denial though.”

“No it's not. We're not exclusive though. We're just… f*cking.”

“I like honesty.”

“We stand to new beginnings, let go of your previous selves. Embrace the change.”

“I want you.” The statement is final.

“You want my body.”


“Just to f*ck?”


Honesty, it's a double edged sword.

“I want you too.”

It's a feral grin almost that takes over Bella’s face. The slightest step forward but Hermione's hand lands on Bella's chest.

“Not like this though. It's over.”

Side stepping Bellatrix to move through the crowd. New beginnings.

Sacred Stones - Chapter 4 - Anonymous - Harry Potter (2024)


What happened in chapter 4 of Harry Potter? ›

Hagrid tells Harry that Harry is a wizard and presents him with a letter of acceptance to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Vernon protests that he will not allow Harry to attend Hogwarts. Hagrid explains to Harry that the Dursleys have been lying all along about how the boy's parents died.

Where was the stone hidden in Harry Potter? ›

Located deep underneath Hogwarts, this series of chambers and passages was used to conceal the Philosopher's Stone and protect it from would-be thieves. Dumbledore placed the Stone there in August of 1991.

What caused Harry's scar? ›

A scar on Harry Potter's forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt was the result of a failed murder attempt by Lord Voldemort on 31 October 1981, when he struck 15-month-old Harry with the Killing Curse.

What is Harry's aunt called? ›

Petunia Dursley, or Aunt Petunia as Harry Potter calls her lives at number 4, Privet Drive with her husband Vernon and her son, Dudley. She is the sister of Lily Potter, Harry's mother but that doesn't mean that she treats Harry any better than Uncle Vernon.

Why do Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Weasley get into a brawl? ›

Weasley takes out all of what little money they have, and second when Lucius Malfoy and Draco make so many shockingly rude comments about the shabbiness of the Weasleys' books, jobs, and friends. This, clearly, is a touchy subject, hence the fight that ensues.

What is the name of the 4th chapter of Harry Potter? ›

The Keeper of the Keys

What lie does Hermione tell? ›

Professor McGonagall finds them and begins to scold the boys. Hermione interjects that Harry and Ron were looking for her. She then lies, saying that she went to face the troll herself and that Ron and Harry had been trying to save her from it.

Did Harry get the stone? ›

Quirrell reveals that Snape tried to save Harry during the Quidditch match as opposed to Quirrell trying to kill him. Harry gets the stone in his pocket through the Mirror of Erised because he wanted it but did not want to use it (a little spell by Prof Dumbledore).

How old is Dumbledore? ›

People in the Wizarding World are way older than they look, since magical people live longer. Albus Dumbledore, for example, died when he was 115 years old, which was relatively young for a wizard.

What happens in Harry Potter 4? ›

Harry has to compete against students much older than himself, fighting fire breathing dragons, rescuing his friends from the bottom of the Black Lake and finding his way through a maze, which is intent on strangling all contestants.

What happens in Harry Potter Year 4? ›

Synopsis. Harry, Ron and Hermione enter their fourth year at Hogwarts. After having a strange dream of the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters, Harry Potter awakes at the Weasleys' house where they shortly depart for the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. After the match, the camp is attacked by Death Eaters.

What happens in Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets chapter 4? ›

Chapter Summary: Harry is at the Weasleys' home, the Burrow, observing the charming quirks of their household. They receive their Hogwarts letters, which feature several books by Gilderoy Lockhart, and make plans to meet Hermione at Diagon Alley.

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.