No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (2024)

By Lori 74 Comments

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No time to bake? Try No-Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies!

This is my most popular recipe of all time… who knew?

These timeless kid-friendly gems are so easy. Just mix, let setand enjoy! The blend of coconut, chocolate and oats is a simple and easytreatfor kids and thekids-at-heart. These babiesare more like a cookie than a granola bar, but not as moistas a macaroon. Thegreat part is theytake just 10 minutes from start to eat, with no baking!

I love to make these as an addition to a cookie platter over the holidays. The colour and shape really add great texture to the presentation. They are chewyand dense, when your other cookies may be crispy and light.

No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (2)

No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies

These timeless kid-friendly gems are so easy. Just mix, let setand enjoy! The blend of coconut, chocolate and oats is a simple and easytreatfor kids and thekids-at-heart. These babiesare more like a cookie than a granola bar, but not as moistas a macaroon. Thegreat part is theytake just 10 minutes from start to eat, with no baking!

4.16 from 13 votes

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Servings 24 cookies


  • 1-1/4 cups sugar
  • 5 Tbsp cocoa
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 cups quick oats
  • 1 cup flaked sweetened coconut


  • In a saucepan over medium heat, combine sugar, cocoa, milk, butter and salt. Heat to low boil, stirring often. When a low boil is reached, cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

  • Remove pan from heat and quickly mix in vanilla, oats and coconut until incorporated.

  • Drop by tablespoonfuls onto parchment-lined cookie sheet (you will need to press a bit to hold each mound together). Let cool until set, about 5 minutes.


If you don't like coconut, you can substitute 1/2 cup butter + 1/2 cup nut butter. Stead of Haystacks, you now have No-Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal cookies!


If your no-bake cookies are sticky and gooey, then they were not boiled quite long enough. On the flip side, if your no-bake cookies are dry and crumbly, they were boiled a tad too long.

Also, if they are a bit too dry for your liking, take the cocoa down to 4 tbsp.

If they are too sweet, you can try taking the sugar down to 1 cup.

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Reader Interactions


  1. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (3)Melissa

    Im wondering how you can recommend these to your readers as healthy for kids when the first ingredient is 2 full cups of sugar? That’s not healthy at all. Even if using a natural sweetener such as agave, honey, or organic maple – two cups is a TON. The average cookie recipe calls for only 1 cup.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (4)Lori

      Good point Melissa. I have changed my post from ‘healthy treat’ to read ‘easy treat’.


      • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (5)Ronda

        No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (6)
        Hi Lori,
        Just wanted to thank you for sharing this recipe! It will be a great addition to my cookie platter gift to friends. It’s the holiday season, so a little indulgence, within reason, isn’t a bad thing! Happy holidays!


        • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (7)Lori

          Thanks Ronda, have a wonderful holiday season!


          • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (8)Joey

            Love it

      • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (9)Anne

        Hi , just wondering how long they last after making them?


        • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (10)Lori

          Hi Anne, these cookies are best the day they are made. With all that coconut, they tend to get a bit dry quite quickly. If you want your coconut cookies to be more moist, and to last a week or so, I recommend you try these CHEWY COCONUT MACAROONS


          • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (11)Anne

            Thank you for your fast reply
            Much appreciated

          • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (12)Ann Crawford

            I wonder if you have a peanut butter no bake cookie? When I was a kid we made them and they were basically the same as your no bake haystack cookies but were the color of peanut butter although they had a couple tbsp cocoa. Thank you!!

          • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (13)Lori

            I don’t have a recipe like that. having said that, you could try adding peanut butter to these haystacks… it might be good?

    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (14)Meg

      No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (15)
      I just spent the last three days baking and all common recipes I made called for 1.5-2 cups of sugar AND brown sugar in some (icing sugar in others). Although none at all healthy per say these would be a better alternative with having coconut and less sugar…also with cocoa rather than chocolate chips as well.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (16)Kim

      Hi there,
      Just a note to let you know I have cut the amount of sugar in half and they still taste delicious!
      Best, Kim


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (18)Jc

      No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (19)
      This is a classic recipe from early 1080 so I take the sugar and I use pure xane sugar which is better then granulated. I also have tried 1 cup granulated and the second cup I have used honey. That’s just y input


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (20)Lori

      No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (21)
      1.5 cups of sugar divided by 24 cookies. Compared to quick snacks the amount of sugars is low.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (22)Tracy

      No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (23)
      Omfg yum just as they are!!
      Sugary , chocolatey, coconuty goodness.
      Mmm mmm
      This treat will not last long


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (24)Tammy Brown

      1 use 1 cup of sugar and this recipe made 40 macaroons, u can make them the size u want and 1 cup of sugar for this amount is pretty healthy.


  2. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (25)Stevie

    Hey Lori,

    How many haystacks does this recipe make? I’m going to a potluck for 80, and have no idea how many times to make the recipe. Thanks in advance!



    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (26)Lori

      Hi Steve, this recipe depends on the size of cookie. If dropped by heaping tablespoon you will make 24 cookies.


      • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (27)Lace Adele

        Hi Lori, would it be possible to use salted butter and just omit the dash of salt?


        • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (28)Lori

          Yes, but it will be a bit saltier than just a pinch would have been. That’s not a bad thing, it enhances the chocolate flavour.


  3. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (29)Cj

    When you say let cool. Do you leave them out on the counter uncovered or put them in the fridge or freezer??


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (30)Lori

      Just on the counter is fine.


  4. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (31)Mandy

    Can these be put in the freezer ? To be eaten at a different date?



    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (32)Lori

      I have never tried that so I can’t say. Give it try and get back to me.


      • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (33)Heather

        Have been making these for years. They freeze exceptionally well.

        One word of caution…don’t try to double the recipe. It cools quickly and becomes too crumbly to make stacks with. The crumbles froze well and tasted great as a topping on yogurt and ice cream though 🙂


        • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (34)Lori

          Thanks Heather, good to know!


        • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (35)John

          No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (36)
          I leave the quadruple batch on the stovetop. The warmth keeps them malleable. But must move quickly. So this should work for a double batch.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (37)Carol

      I freeze these all the time! they even taste great frozen


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (38)Tammy Brown

      Yes u can freeze them and they have lasted me 7 months and have not gotten freezer burnt, they are amazing cold or right from the freezer.


  5. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (39)Cindy

    I make these but use unsweetened coconut you don’t need the extra sugar as they are already sweet enough without it.


  6. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (40)anneliese

    Hi, I made these and they ended up too crumbly. Wondering if I cooked them too much or on too high heat? I had to add some milk to the mixture at the end to make it not so crumbly so I could drop them onto wax paper. Any insights about what I did wrong would be much appreciated! Thanks!


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (41)Lori

      Not sure Anneliese, sounds like too much coconut.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (42)Rebecca

      Anneliese, this is probably too late of a response but you are essentially making fudge with these cookies. Check out Serious Eats article on a cookie very similar. I believe if they were crumbly, it was cooked to long. I think you want to cook it until it registers 230F on a candy thermometer.


  7. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (43)Lori

    Hi everyone, I updated the recipe today by reducing the sugar by 1/2 cup… still just as good.


  8. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (44)Victoria Holmes

    No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (45)
    Thanks for sharing this my boyfriend just made these. Going to enjoy eating cookies tonight.


  9. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (46)Tara

    I followed the recipe exactly, instructions and ingredients amount with absolutely no modifications. But they came out dark and gooey. They actually stick to the parchment paper and I had to peel them off. They taste okay, maybe a little too sweet, but not at all what I was hoping for (more like my favourite store Zarkey’s haystack hookies which do have the exact same ingredients as in this recipe, I just don’t know the quantities). I tried putting them in the fridge, but they were still too soft and very shiny. Maybe I need to lower the butter amount? I used one of those sticks in a 4 pack that’s 450g for the whole box. I’m just so confused because I did make sure to follow your recipe.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (47)Lori

      Hi Tara, you had me worried, so I re-made the recipe myself. It works just fine. I think however that my method may not have been clear enough. I hope it is clear now as I have revised the wording a bit.


  10. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (48)Carol

    Please explain what a low boil is. Which boil time works best for you 3 mins. or 4?


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (49)Lori

      Low boil means you see small bubbles popping the surface with less vigorous action than a true boil.


      • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (50)Carol

        Yes I thought low boil meant small bubbles. My family and I know that as a simmer, bringing up to a full boil and reducing the heat to a simmer so bubbles break the surface. I think boiling might make a difference in the results for sure. I will give this a try soon. Thanks.


  11. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (51)Sara B.

    I’m excited to find your recipe! My mom and I use to make these all the time when I was little, but she never wrote down the recipe. All the others I could find had peanut butter in them (which I’m 100% sure her’s didn’t have). My question is: can you make these without coconut? Do I need to modify any of the other ingredients to compensate for taking it out? Thanks!


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (52)Lori

      Hi Sara, there is no “haystack” without the coconut.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (53)Carrie

      Yes, if I don’t have coconut on hand I sometimes sub in an extra cup of oats. Not quite the same, but still very tasty.


  12. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (54)leah

    mine turned out runny is there anyway to recover them


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (55)Lori

      They should be perfect, however add a bit more coconut.


  13. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (56)Cori

    Are these gluten free?


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (57)Lori

      Pure oatmeal is gluten-free, however most comman grocery store brands have been cross contaminated with wheat. See if you can find gluten-free oats just to make sure.


  14. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (58)Sian

    Just so you know, these do freeze well. My mom always made these when I was growing up. She froze them because she made them in advance and hoped they would not get eaten so there would be some for guests. To her dismay, we still stole out of the frozen tupperware containers! This is the closest i have found to my mom’s original recipe, which she lost. She was born in Wales and they called them Out of this World Cookies.


  15. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (59)Sandy D

    No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (60)
    Is the coconut organic?


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (61)Lori

      It can be, if you like, but not a must.


  16. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (62)Squeaky

    No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (63)
    My mom used to make the ones with cornflakes when I was a kid. We are having some really hot weather so I googled no bake haystacks and found this recipe which I think is much healthier and better! I also cut the sugar (i slightly heaping cup) by a little bit and used unsweetened coconut as it was all I had. Mine are very soft but not fall apart soft and the kids are loving them. They are basically a non bake version of the granola bar recipe I make that they really like! So this will be an easy add to the school lunch treat rotation. I may add in the extras that they like in the granola bars like sunflower, pumpkin, or hemp seeds!


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (64)Lori

      Thanks for coming back to comment. It’s great to hear how you are enjoying my recipe with your own twist!


  17. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (65)Laurie Whitby

    I seem to recall this recipe but also with peanut butter. Have you heard of that? Next question would be how much peanut butter? Thanks!


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (66)Lori

      No I have not heard of it with peanut butter. I’m not sure it would some together as solidly as you need.


  18. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (67)Skyla


    Just wondering, how would I do this recipe differently if I were to use regular old fashioned oats instead of quick oats??


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (68)Lori

      I think it will be fine. Try it, and please report back!


  19. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (69)Lauretta

    I found there was not enough moisture or too many oats and they totally fell apart


  20. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (70)Amy

    No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (71)
    I follow the recipe, but every time I make them, they are too moist they fall apart. What do you think I’m doing wrong? Are they supposed to be very chewy, or should they bit a bit dry?


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (72)Lori

      They are usually a bit of both, but more on the dry side.


  21. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (73)Lana

    I made these for me and my fiancé as we were both craving some chocolate. I love how easy this recipe whips together. I used lactose free margarine instead of butter and they came out perfect.


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (74)Lori

      Hi Lana, so glad you liked them!


  22. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (75)Dale

    My wife made these for the holidays, OMG im so hooked and now my Fav Chocolate snack.. Out of this world yummy


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (76)Lori

      So glad you came back to comment, glad you loved them!!


  23. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (77)Tiffany

    No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (78)
    We grew up with these. Family favorite for the holidays. I triple batch them the family eats so many. They freeze well so great when you need a quick treat over the holidays to take to friends or work.


  24. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (79)Val

    No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (80)
    I have been making these for a bit now. We add a scoop of peanut butter when you add the oats and coconut!
    After they are on the cookie sheet we also put a maraschino cherry on top


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (81)Lori

      Sounds great Val!


  25. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (82)Sarah

    No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (83)
    made you recipe to the T and it came our so crumbly, any thoughts what Im doing wrong?


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (84)Lori

      Hi Sarah, not sure, they work great for me. If yours were too dry, you could take the cocoa down to 4 Tbsp and reduce the sugar by up to 1/4 cup.


  26. No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (85)Jocelyne Blackley

    Could I shape these into bird’s nests in a muffin tin?


    • No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (86)Lori

      I have not tried that, but it should work.


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No Bake Chocolate Haystack Cookies (2024)


Why won't my no-bake cookies get hard? ›

Why Didn't My No-Bake Cookies Set? Likely, you didn't boil the mixture long enough.

Why are my chocolate haystack cookies dry? ›

On the flip side, if your no-bake cookies are dry and crumbly, they were boiled a tad too long. Also, if they are a bit too dry for your liking, take the cocoa down to 4 tbsp. If they are too sweet, you can try taking the sugar down to 1 cup.

Why are my no-bake cookies dry and crumbly? ›

Boiling too long will cause the cookies to be dry and crumbly. However, if you don't boil long enough the cookies will not set and will be runny. Some folks say bring the mixture to a rolling boil and then count to 60, while others swear by counting to 90.

What are chocolate haystacks made of? ›

Chocolate haystacks are a simple no-bake dessert made by mixing chow mein noodles with a luscious combination of melted chocolate and peanut butter (and sometimes other additions like marshmallows, shredded coconut, and more) for mounds of chocolatey goodness that set up firm and crunchy.

How do you make cookies that don't get hard? ›

To ensure great cookies every time you bake, consider these tips:
  1. Don't overmix. ...
  2. Preheat the oven for a precise temperature and baking time.
  3. Use more than one baking sheet, even if baking one batch at a time. ...
  4. Follow your recipe's instructions. ...
  5. Don't stack cookies while they're still warm.
Nov 13, 2023

Why are my cookies never crunchy? ›

Q: Why are my cookies not crisp enough? They are underbaked. Lower your oven temperature and bake longer but at a lower temperature. Using too much flour or the wrong kind of flour.

Can you reheat no bake cookies? ›

How do you fix no bake cookies that didn't set up? If they don't set, try placing them back in your pan and reheating them, bringing them to a boil until they reach 230°F.

What can cause a cookie to be not moist enough? ›

Eggs bind the ingredients and make for moist, chewy cookies. Adding too many eggs can result in gummy, cake-like cookies. Adding too few eggs can result in dry, crumbly cookies.

How do you add moisture to hard cookies? ›

Another way to soften cookies is by placing the cookies in an airtight container with a damp paper towel. The paper towel will release moisture and help to soften the cookies without making them too soft or mushy. Another way is to place the cookies in a plastic bag with a slice of apple or a damp tea towel.

Why do you use a fork on peanut butter cookies? ›

The reason is that peanut butter cookie dough is dense, and unpressed, each cookie will not cook evenly. Using a fork to press the dough is a convenience of tool; bakers can also use a cookie shovel (spatula).

What to do if your cookies are dry? ›

This is a tip for after your cookies are baked, but it's one of my favorite hacks. If you leave your cookies out or they start to get stale and harden, you can fix it with a slice of bread! Add your cookies into an airtight container with a soft slice of bread and let it sit for 12-24 hours.

Why are peanut butter cookies so dry? ›

Why are my cookies dry and crumbly? This is most likely a classic case of using too much flour. It's crucial to properly measure the flour in this recipe, as even 1 extra tablespoon of flour can completely change the structure of the cookies. You also might have over baked them!

Why are my haystacks crumbly? ›

If you don't boil the mixture long enough, your cookies may not set properly. On the other hand, if you boil it for too long, your cookies may turn out dry and crumbly. Using a timer for one minute avoids these issues and sets you up for beautiful, perfectly textured no-bake cookies!

What are haystack cookies made of? ›

Haystack Cookies are a magical combination of butterscotch, peanut butter, chocolate, M&Ms, and marshmallow bits.

What is Murphy's haystacks made of? ›

Murphy's Haystacks The overhanging dome formation is approximately 8 metres (26 ft) high. They are of a 'tumulus' form of weathered granite outcrop. They are made of a pink, massive, coarsely equigranular rock consisting mostly of quartz and orthoclase.

Why is my cookie not hardening? ›

Excess moisture either ingredients like eggs or butter can result in soft cookies . Be precise with ingredients measure ment . Butter temperature using overly soft or melted butter can lead to softer cookies . Ensure your butter is at the right temperature specified in the recipe.

Why aren't my cookies firming? ›

The Problem: Your Oven Is Too Hot

If your cookies repeatedly turn out flat, no matter the recipe, chances are your oven is too hot. Here's what's happening. The butter melts super quickly in a too-hot oven before the other ingredients have firmed up into a cookie structure.

Why are my cookies flimsy? ›

Oven temperatures are a crucial factor in baking. If your cookies consistently come out flat, you may have selected the wrong baking temperature. If you bake cookies using too much heat, the fats in the dough begin to melt before the other ingredients can cook together and form your cookie's rise.

What makes cookies hard when baking? ›

Too much gluten yields tough cookies. To prevent over-mixing, stop blending ingredients as soon as the streaks of flour are no longer visible (via The Kitchn).

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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