Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (2024)

Take on all four Black Widows and annihilate them by locating them in various places in Grounded!

By Mina Anwar

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Grounded has 4 Black Widows that can be traced down in their respective locations and fought to obtain its drops. However, getting to the actual locations can be difficult if it is improperly sorted out. Therefore, players might require a step-by-step walkthrough of how to get to each one.

Important: Players should know that Black Widows are resistant to nearly all types of damage in Grounded.

Key Takeaways

  • TheBlack Widow is a vicious, giant spider found in various areas of Grounded, and is extremely Hostile towards players and can attack them.
  • The Black Widow can drop items like theBlack Widow Fang, Spider Chunks, and the Super Spider Venom.
  • There are4 Black Widows that can be found scattered and hidden across in Grounded map.
  1. The first location is towards atoolbox.
  2. Another location for the Black Widow is in the Undershed area.
  3. The next location is towards the Car Battery.
  4. Lastly, the Black Widow can be found in the Moldorc Castle area.


Now, one of themain Grounded Black Widow Locations includes one that is near the Toolbox.

Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (3)
  1. As you start, you should be standing near a few plants, and there should be a hill that leads down deeper into the grassy area.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (4)
  2. If you panyour camera to the left, there should be a toolbox that is colored red, and the toolbox will appear extremely big compared to the size of the character you are playing.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (5)
  3. Thetoolbox can be identified by the text on top that reads something along the lines of “My other toolbox is rigged to slow”, and there should be a few stickers placed on the front of the toolbox, indicating that it has been personalized.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (6)
  4. After taking note of the toolbox for tools, start heading forth, jumping down from the edge and onto the lower level of the ground, where the grass has practically covered all ends of the land.
  5. If you’re unaware, you can hang while in the middle of the air to avoid taking fall damage, and there will be a hangtime meter on top of your screen indicating the total amount of time you can spend in the air.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (7)
  6. After landing on the ground, you can startrunning forward.
  7. Right in front of you, there should be a giant spanner on the ground, which is a bit towards the left side of the space you are standing on.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (8)
  8. From where you are standing, start running across the span of the spanner (nice pun), and keep making your way across until you cross it fully.
  9. After you’ve reached theedge of the spanner, all you need to do is jump off it so that you can make your way into the muddy pathway laid down before you, and it is sort of a small tunnel.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (9)
  10. From here, all you need to do is start running a few feet forward from where you are standing.
  11. After that, if youlook to your left, you should come across a hole that spiderwebs have covered, and there are going to be a total of 3 spiderwebs that have been placed first on the start of the hole, then on the left of it, and then a bit deeper inside the cave-area.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (10)
  12. As youhead inside, you might be able to come across the location of the First Black Widow in Grounded.

Undershed Location

Regarding the second of the Grounded Black Widow Locations, you can make your way to the location displayed here on the map as follows.

Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (11)
  1. As you are standing on top of apipe, you can start running down from it, and if you look to your left, there should be a pipe connecting to the ceiling.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (12)
  2. Startrunning down the pipe, and as you are running down it, you should be able to take note of the path towards the right side of the yellow pipe, and you should be able to hop onto it and easily get to safety.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (13)
  3. Hang for a bit if you feel like you’ll end up taking fall damage.
  4. After that,go towards the edge of the path, and if you look down, you should be able to take note of a few spiderwebs that are off into the distance.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (14)
  5. From here, you want to leap faith and start hanging off until you can get close to the spiderwebs without falling.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (15)
  6. From here, you should see a tunnel that leads deeper inside; even more spiderwebs will be scattered across the tunnel.
  7. Keep heading deeper into the tunnel, and eventually, the tunnel opens outwards, through which you should be able to see a giant spider present a few feet away from where the tunnel ended.

Getting close to the spider, you can encounter the Black Widow, and you can easily fight it if you are strong enough, as to take it out, you will need to defeat it.

Car Battery

Now, when it comes to the third Grounded Black Widow Location, it will be inside a car battery that can be found in Grounded.

Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (16)
  1. Start by being at a place where tons of blades of grass surroundyou, and there is nothing but grass that can be seen for miles ahead.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (17)
  2. As you head across the ground, if you look to your right, there should be a mound of mud piling up for a while, and the mud has dried up, indicating that you are heading to the right area.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (18)
  3. From here, you want to head towards themound of dirt that has formed a circle, and there is a small hole in the middle of it, and that is the place you want to head towards.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (19)
  4. However, thehole will be blocked, and you can’t break it until and unless you have access to a bomb, which you can use from your inventory, which will come in handy to blow up the pathway blocking you from heading inside.
  5. Aim thebomb and throw it towards the middle of the hole that has been blocked, and then run a bit further away so that you don’t end up taking damage from the bomb, and just wait until the bomb does its job blowing up the blocked path.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (20)
  6. As thepath is cleared, you can start heading inside, which opens up a small tunnel that you need to head further deep inside first, and all that you want to do here is simply start running down the tunnel and heading further inside.
  7. As you head inside, you might find it easier to have asource of light on hand. Therefore any item that can light up your path can be used to make travelling a whole lot easier for you.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (21)
  8. A hole should be located a few feet deeper into the entrance, and you can jump down it to reach even further into the depths.
  9. If you jump down, you head straight into a few spiderwebs, specifically two towards the right and left sides of the mud walls.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (22)
  10. Lookingfurther into the distance, theBlack Widow will be located, ready and waiting for you to approach closer before it can pounce on you and attack you, and you can then go ahead and eradicate it.

Moldorc Castle Area

Last but not least on this locations guide, the fourth and final Grounded Black Widow that you might be able to come across will be quite close to the Moldorc Castle.

  1. Whenever you start, you will need to be in an area surrounded by loads of rockspiled on top of each other, and you want to simply start heading across them until you have completely crossed them.
  2. Keep heading forward until you come across an area known as the Field Station, which will be the main indication that you are heading toward the right location.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (23)
  3. Head further into the Field Station area, and there will be even more rocks piled on top of each other, and you need to start heading up the pile of rocks.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (24)
  4. Ensure you don’t get attacked by the enemies surrounding the Field Station, as they can be quite annoying when you are trying to reach the Black Widow.
  5. As you are searching the area of the rocks, there you might encounter an area that isclosed off and hidden underneath the rocks, except it leaves just enough space to cross it.
    Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (25)
  6. As you head closer to it, you willencounter spiderwebs, which indicates that you are heading toward the Black Widow’s location.

What Is The Black Widow?

TheBlack Widow itself is essentially a legendary killer spider that is black and red, and it is a vicious spider that can eradicate you if you are not careful.

  • It can drop down items such as the Black Widow Fang, Spider Chunks and Super Spider Venom.

Now, when it comes to the overallbehavior of the Black Widow, they don’t like to be disturbed by anyone. Hence they reside in seclusion, wanting to be as far away as possible, and for that reason alone, they can create spiderwebs that protect their lairs and don’t want to be discovered.

Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (26)
  • They rarely go to sleep, which allows them toguard and protect the widow-lings close to them.
  • Thebest way to take out a Black Widow is by using stabbing since they are extremely resistant to all types of damage, making them incredibly resistant; therefore, players need to keep that in mind before heading forth to charge at them.


And that’s just about it! All that players need to know about the Grounded Black Widow Locations, so let’s wrap up this guide! While you’re here, why not read up on the Grounded Shared Worlds Explained guide since it details how to share your worlds with the friends you might be playing with. Other than that, the Grounded Sandbox guide tells you all you need to know about the sandbox and what it entails!

The Grounded Pond Lab guide showcases everything regarding the Pond Lab in great detail!

Up Next:

  • Grounded Mods
  • Grounded Building Parts
  • Grounded Sunken Bones
  • Grounded Haze Lab

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By Mina Anwar

Most Played Games

  • 2000+ hours in Genshin Impact.
  • 800+ hours in Honkai Star Rail.
  • 500+ hours in Minecraft.
  • 300+ hours in GTA Series.
May 23, 2023

Mina Anwar

Mina is a Senior Guides Writer and a fanatic who’s obsessed with playing games and writing about them. She’s invested more than 2,500 hours in games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism, she loves to write detailed guides for beginners and pros in the Gacha Games world. You can follow Mina's gaming activity on her Steam and PSN Profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years

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Grounded: All 4 Black Widow Locations (2024)


Where to farm black widows Grounded? ›

Black Widows live in seclusion; they spawn in cramped silk dens found in the Backyard, typically under structures like the Toolbox, and are never seen wandering outside of them.

What is the hardest spider in Grounded? ›

Black Widow Spiders

As one might expect, Black Widows are the deadliest and hardest-to-kill angry creatures in Grounded that aren't official bosses. Immune to poison and resistant to all elemental and weapon types, Black Widow Spiders have no vulnerability whatsoever.

Where are black widows most commonly found? ›

Where Do Black Widow Spiders Live? Black widows thrive in the temperate climates of the American South, living as far south as Florida. The Northern Black Widows can be found living along the northeastern coast up to Canada, and the Western widows live as far west as California.

Are there more black widows if you find one? ›

Black Widow Spider Bites

Unfortunately if you see one black widow, there are likely more.

What is the strongest boss in Grounded? ›

1 Infected Broodmother

This boss does more than poison damage — she also does Venom damage, which takes more health over time and cannot be protected with Mithradatism. This spider will throw spores, inflict stabbing, use explosives, and whittle away at your health as you fight her.

What is Black Widow's weakness? ›

Weaknesses. Brainwashing: During her time as a spy for the Red Room, they mentally programmed her with certain mental commands, which can bring her under control, should she ever turn rogue.

Can you respawn broodmother Grounded? ›

The BLT can be used again immediately after the previous battle to resummon the Broodmother, but it cannot be used while there is an ongoing one.

What is the Respawn rate for Black Widows? ›

Black Widows:

Everywhere: 168Hrs = 7 Days.

What is the scariest enemy in Grounded? ›

The Hedge broodmother is one of the most terrifying of all creatures in Grounded. Located inside the hedge, players must first craft a special Broodmother BLT to summon her for the fight. A custom creature designed to resemble a monster in the Minotaurs & Myrmidons game.

What is the hardest non boss enemy in Grounded? ›

The Mantis and Black Widow are both technically harder, but they don't patrol the yard (very far), and you have to specifically summon/aggro them. They are hard but late game once you have high level armor and weapons they aren't really a big issue. I'd say black widows are much harder.

Are there multiple black widows? ›

Three species of black widow spiders are widespread in the United States. The black widow (Latrodectus mactans) inhabits the southern half of the country. Most common in northern states such as Illinois is the northern black widow (L. variolus) which is replaced in the Southwest by the western black widow (L.

How many black widow spiders are there in the world? ›

There are more than 30 different types of black widow spiders worldwide; however, not all species are as relevant due to their separation from human habitat. The Black Widow, or Latrodectus mactans, is easily identified by its characteristic shiny black body and strikingly red hourglass-shaped marking on the abdomen.

Is it rare to find a black widow? ›

Answer: The black widow spider (and the other species known as widow spiders) is not uncommon in many parts of the country. It is usually found in undisturbed places around the house. Common sites include wood piles, in and around downspouts, and in sheds.

How many black widows are in a nest? ›

Once a male black widow spider has fertilized a female, she will lay sacks full of eggs in her spider nest. She can lay up to five sacks that are each filled with 200 eggs. Within two weeks, the eggs will begin to hatch, and up to 1,000 black widow spider babies will emerge.

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