Garrett Original Equipment (2024)

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Garrett Original Equipment (8)

Garrett Original Equipment (9)

Garrett® Original Turbos are the boost behind millions of cars, vans and trucks around the world. Original technology specified by vehicle manufacturers, 100% compatible with engine management systems, and optimized for power, fuel efficiency and emissions compliance.

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Market-leading performance, trusted by global automakers.

Garrett Original Equipment (10)

Just about every major automotive manufacturer – including BMW, PSA, Scania, Volvo, VW and more – trusts Garrett turbos to deliver exceptional performance and durability.

The Garrett Original range extends these same benefits to Aftermarket customers, delivering reliability, driveability and a great customer experience through engineering excellence and brand reputation.

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Garrett Original Equipment (11)

Why customers choose Garrett Original Equipment?

Garrett Original Equipment (12)


Garrett Original Turbos spin at up to 300,000 rpm and operate at up to 1050°C.

Garrett Original Equipment (13)


Class-leading power helps boost high-end torque by 15-40% over non-original models.

Garrett Original Equipment (14)


The boost behind benchmark performance and fuel economy.
Savings up to €200 per year, compared to non-original models.

Garrett Original Equipment (15)


A key enabler for engine efficiency and reducing NOx emissions.

Garrett Original Equipment (16)


A Garrett Aftermarket turbo is never far away.


Garrett Original Equipment (17)

Choose from 8,000 manufacturer-certified models dating back to 1968.

Garrett turbos boost a wide range of vehicles, fuel types and powertrains. Whether it’s a passenger car, light commercial van, heavy-duty truck, off-highway vehicle or a marine or industrial application, Garrett has the Aftermarket portfolio to help improve power, drive efficiency, and enhance reliability.

Garrett Original Equipment (18)


Garrett Original Equipment (19)

Garrett’s world-leading Aftermarket portfolio is brimming with original technologies.

  • Variable Nozzle Turbine (VNT)– Turbine wheel exhaust flow control results in higher torque, more power, better transient response and cleaner combustion.
  • Dual-stage – VNT paired with wastegate or free-floating turbos helps boost premium engine performance.
  • Wastegate– A turbine exhaust gas bypass controls boost pressure, regulates turbo speed and improves engine efficiency.
  • Free floating– Advanced aerodynamics and bearing systems help improve fuel efficiency in large off-highway commercial applications.


Garrett Original Equipment (20)

Fuel Types

Garrett Original Equipment (21)

Garrett® Original Turbos for Aftermarket are purposed designed for a wide range of engines and fuel types to help deliver maximum performance, best-in-class efficiency, and durability.

Whether it’s gasoline, diesel, electric, natural gas or LPG, Garrett’s Original portfolio offers access to application-specific engine boosting technology.

Garrett Original Equipment (22)

Garrett Original Equipment (23)

Turbo Catalog

Take the easy route to finding the correct turbo by searching our comprehensive catalog.


Garrett Original Equipment (24)

Where to Buy

Get your hands on your Garrett turbo via our global expert distributor network.

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Garrett Original Equipment (25)

Garrett Original Equipment (26)

Other Garrett Aftermarket Product Ranges


Garrett Original Equipment (27)

Garrett® Original Reman turbos are remanufactured to deliver price-competitive original equipment performance for older vehicles.



Garrett Original Equipment (28)

Redboost is the cost-effective turbo series from Garrett, purpose-designed to create choice for Aftermarket customers across a wide range of applications.



Garrett Original Equipment (29)

Maximize performance and efficiency with Garrett’s universal-fit turbochargers, intercooler cores, wastegates, and accessories.



Garrett Original Equipment (30)

Garrett® Classic Turbos incorporate modern engineering with direct-fit installation for iconic European cars that kick-started the auto industry’s turbo revolution.


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*Marketing communications refers to communications about offerings, news and events, surveys, special offers, and related topics via telephone, email, and other forms of electronic communication (e.g., communications through social media platforms).

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Example of Garrett Part Number


  • A standard Garrett part number consists of 6 digits before the dash and 4 digits after the dash, followed by “S”.
  • The system will recognize the number with or without the dash.


  • A standard Aftermarket (IAM) part number always begins with “5” after the dash. (For example: 721021-5006S)
  • The OES part number differs from the IAM part number only in that it does not have the “S” at the end. (For example: 721021-5006)
  • The OE part number differs from the IAM part number in 2 areas:
    it begins with “0” after the dash.
    it does not have the “S” at the end.
    (For example: 721021-0006)


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Garrett Original Equipment (2024)


Is Honeywell and Garrett the same company? ›

Honeywell spun off its former Transportation Systems business into a new company called Garrett Motion Inc.

Are Garrett turbos made in China? ›

Garrett Turbos in general are assembled in Company ISO accredited plants in Japan, Mexico, Poland, India and China.

What is the difference between Garrett GT and GTX? ›

The "X" in GTX indicates an extreme performance upgrade over the standard GT counterparts. Here you'll find higher end materials and newer technology in the turbocharger construction. Billet compressor wheels are standard and newer AERO is implemented for increased flow through the compressor housing.

What did Honeywell used to be called? ›

He officially changed the company's corporate name from "Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co." to "Honeywell", to better represent their colloquial name. Throughout the 1960s, Honeywell continued to acquire other businesses, including Security Burglar Alarm Company in 1969.

Why are Garrett turbos so good? ›

All Garrett turbos meet the rigorous standards of auto makers, with each one manufactured and calibrated to original equipment specification and certified to perform reliably for three years or up to 150,000km. This is critical, given that some systems rotate at 300,000 rpm and operate in temperatures up to 1050oC.

What turbos are made in the USA? ›

Xona Rotor turbochargers are engineered, manufactured and assembled in the USA. This is more than mere pride. By controlling every aspect of what goes into our turbochargers, we hold tighter tolerances, include premium materials and develop advanced manufacturing techniques.

Are Garrett turbos street legal? ›

These products are not approved for street use. Installation may affect the vehicle's safety, warranty, and operating license.

Is A GTX better than a GT? ›

Gt cards are weak cards. Gtx cards are high performance cards. In simple words newer games like witcher 3 and gta 5 will need card like gtx 980 to run on ultra setting with good fps while gt cards are for old games that dont require much power. Thats how a gt card look.

Are all Garrett turbos ball bearing? ›

Modern turbo bearing systems split into two types: Hydrodynamic bearing systems – used in the vast majority of past and present turbos. Ball bearing systems – previously used only for racing and fast road applications, but launched on production VNT™ turbos for passenger vehicles.

What does GT mean in GTX? ›

For NVIDIA GeForce cards, it's simply a brand name. GT is used to refer to entry-level graphics solutions below those branded "GTX"; graphics processors with GT branding, like the GeForce GT 1030, are meant for basic applications.

Are Honeywell and Garrett turbos the same? ›

Garrett Motion Inc., formerly Honeywell Transportation Systems and Honeywell Turbo Technologies, is an American company primarily involved in engineering, development and manufacturing of turbochargers and related forced induction systems for ground vehicles from small passenger cars to large trucks and industrial ...

Is Garrett Turbo reliable? ›

Most stock turbos are by Garrett, so it's easier to upgrade to higher-performing turbos from Garrett, than starting from scratch to adapt a completely different turbocharger to fit the car. Plus, Garrett turbos are super reliable, which is why many OEMs (including Nissan) choose to use them on their cars.

Is Garrett Motion part of Honeywell? ›

Garrett Motion Inc., formerly Honeywell Transportation Systems and Honeywell Turbo Technologies, is an American company primarily involved in engineering, development and manufacturing of turbochargers and related forced induction systems for ground vehicles from small passenger cars to large trucks and industrial ...

Who manufactures Garrett engine? ›

Garrett AiResearch was a manufacturer of turboprop engines and turbochargers, and a pioneer in numerous aerospace technologies.

When did Garrett Motion spin-off from Honeywell? ›

Honeywell spun off Garrett Motion, Inc. effective October 1, 2018 in a transaction meant to be tax-free to its shareholders. Garrett Motion, Inc. began regular trading on the NYSE on Monday, October 1, 2018.

What companies did Honeywell spin-off? ›

MORRIS PLAINS, N.J., Oct. 29, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Honeywell (NYSE: HON) announced today that it has completed its spin-off of Resideo Technologies, Inc., Honeywell's former Homes and ADI Global Distribution business.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Views: 5986

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.