Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

ayi a mil I lvy. Das Moines Tribune Pm a a 15 CM, 23, mi Valuation i THE IOWA ALMANAC New Rest Home Rules RADIO PROGRAMS Pat Boone Show Has Problem Here's Help for Unbalanced Budget Does your money seem to slip through your fingers? Then, tomorrow morning as you ride to work on the curbliner, read the Des Moines Register. Turn to the popular financial column "Dollars and Sense" by Charles V. Neal, jr. You'll learn an easy way to budget! And if you're wondering what is on TV for viewing in the evening, read "The Best on TV" column that highlights top programs.

As you step aboard the curbliner, reach for the Register. For just 7 cents, you can read as you ride. You'll arrive at work relaxed and well-informed through the pages of tomorrow's Des Moines Reg Television PROGRAMS DES MOINES A KRNT.TV tf WEDNESDAY 5 00 Cartoons 7.00 Millionaire 5 15 Corliss Archer 7:30 Gut I Secret 5 45 p. Edwards 3 00 Steel Mr. 6 00 News, Sports 9 00 Big Record 6 15 Gimmick 10 00 News, Sports 6.30 1 Love Lucy 10 30 Movie THURSDAY 6.30 Jimmy Dean 12 00 6 45 News 12 30 7 00 Kangaroo 12.40 7 45 News 1 00 Bill Riley News Bill R.ley Big Payoff 3 00 Garry Moor 130 Verdict 8 30 A.

Godfrey 2 00 9.30 St'lke Rich 215 10 00 Cosmopolitan 2.30 10 15 Love, Life 3 00 10:30 Search, Tmw. 3:30 Brighter Day Secret Storm Edge of Nltt Jimmy Dean House Party 10:45 Guiding Lite 4 00 11:00 Mary J. China 4.30 1130 World Turns Beat Clock Jeffrey Jones DES MOINES WHO-TV WEDNESDAY 13 6 20 News. Weath. 9 30 6 30 Robt.

Young 7 00 (0 Kraft Th. 10.00 8 00 This Your Life 10:30 8.30 Wagon Tram THURSDAY 7 00 Today 100 8 00 A. Francis 2 00 8 30 Treasure Hunt 2:45 9 00 Price Right 3 00 9 30 Truth, Conseq. 3:30 10 00 Tic Tac Oouoh Harbor Command News, Sports Movie (0 Matinee Queen for Day Romances Comedy Time Trouble, Father Pub. Defender Slim Hayes 10:30 Could Be 4 00 1100 Romper Room 4 30 1130 Lee Harris AMES WOI-TV WEDN 5 00 Wild Bill 5:30 Mickey Mouse 6 00 Annie Oakley 6:30 Disneyland 7:30 Tombstone Territory a 33 Boxmg 43 Oxk Greene 9 03 Harriet VI.

Winchell 10. (K) sports THURSDAY 11:00 Magic Window 1:30 Schooltime 12 00 News, Mkts. 12:45 Ind. on Prde, 2 00 Frank Arnoy 3:00 Bandstand 4:30 Trust Wife? 1:00 Homemaker 1:15 Notebook Storey Gets State Post Edgar B. Storey, 44, of Des Moines, will become director of the Iowa development Ission Nov.

16, Com mission Chair man Clyde H. Hendrix Clinton an nounced Wednesday. Storey, a re search asso ciate for the velopment ission since Aug. 1, will succeed T. STOBEV E.

Davidson II. Davidson is resigning after four years as director to take a position with the Viking Pump Co. in Cedar Rapids. Storey's salary will be a year. The state executive council recently increased the maximum salary for the position from $7,800 to $8,400.

A native of Des Moines, Storey is a graduate of Lincoln High School and attended the University of Washington in Seattle and Drake University. He, his wife and two children live at 303 Fifty-first st. Storey formerly was area control supervisor for Solar Aircraft Co. here; operated his own office systems and equipment sales firm; was chief of the price action branch of the Economic Stabilization Agency, and was president of Zaisers, office supply and stationery store. The Iowa Development Commission was established by the state legislature to promote Iowa's industrial and agricultural WL KRNT Radio 1150 CBS, Oct Molnts WEDNESDAY 6 00 G.

Cammsck 8 Oi World Tonight iSKioadd, 8.30 At noma. CouDOM 9 05 Ama 'n tni 6 JO Thomas 9 30 Root. Q. lawls bA' Pat Buttram 10 00 News, Sports 7. CO Ed.

R. a'urrow 10:30 Newtreel 7.15 Album Music 12.00 News 7:55 News, Sports THURSDAY 5 00Smokey Smith 11:30 Helen Trent 6 00 News 1145 Gal Sunday wnat Say 6:10 Don Solidity 6:30 News, Sports 6:45 Don Soli day 7.15 News 7:30 Don Solldjy 8 00 News 8:15 DonSoliday 9X0 News 9:15 A. Godfrey 12:00 12 15 News 1230 1 15 Ted Hazard Mrs. Burton 130 145 200 230 245 300 315 Ma Perkins Nora Drake Hout Party Strike Rich Road of Lift News Dill F.lley Hymn Time 10 45 Howard Miller 1 1:00 Wendy Warren 4:30 Walt Reno 11:15 Backstage Wife WHO Radio 1040 NBC, FM-1Q0 3 mo, WEDNESDAY 5:45 Sports 9 45 Agriculture Roundup 10 00 News, Sports 10:30 Bill Austin 11:00 News, Sports 6.00 Ralph Flanagan 6:15 News 11:15 Country Style 6:45 Man's Family 11:30 Commentary 7:00 People. Funny 11:45 Reserved For 7:30 Night Line You 9 00 P.

Frederick 12:00 Duane Ellttt 9 30 Guest Star THURSDAY 5:30 News 11:00 Music 5:45 Bob Graham 11:30 Watchmen 6:00 Heaven, Home 11:45 Music 6:15 On the Mall 12:00 News 6:30 News 12:15 Go Visiting 6:45 Farm Hilites 12:30 News 7:00 Alex Dreier 12:45 Farmorama 7:15 Bob Graham 1:00 Music 7:30 News 115 Betty Baker 7:45 Bob Graham 2:00 Five Star 8:00 Weather 2:30 Woman in 815 Bob Graham House 8 30 Kitchen Club 2:45 Pepper Young 8:45 News, Mkts. 3:00 Confessions 9:00 True Story 3:30 Dr. Gentry 9:30 Bandstand 3:45 Music KWDM Radio 1150 Mutual, Des Moines WEDNESDAY 5:00 Sports, News 8:10 Cowboy 5:15 Dinner S'nade i Kapers, News 6:00 John Wingate 9 40 Pop. Follies 6:10 Trading Post 11:10 Gangbusters 6:45 Italian Hour, 11:30 Music News 1155 News THURSDAY 5:50 Good 12:00 News 12.15 6 30 Family Altar 12:45 7:00 News 1:00 7:10 Irish Davis 115 7:45 Unity 1:30 News Polka Party Psalm of Life Pastor's Study Pastor Elgena Chapel of Air Markets, News Band Music News Stars Parade News Hornblower News 8:00 Rev. Collett 1:45 8:15 Christian Jew 2:10 8:30 Back to Bible 2:30 9:00 Dr.

Parsons 2:40 9:15 Dr. Michelson 3:00 9:30 Voice of China 3:10 9:45 A. A. Allen 3:30 3:40 4:00 10:00 News, Trading Post 11:10 Edith Webber 11:30 News 11.40 Stars Sing Queen for Day Gab. Heatter 4:10 4:30 4:40 Stars Parade News Serenaders KSO Radio 1460, Des Moines WEDNESDAY 6:10 Dinner Date 8:00 0.

M. Top 50 7:30 G. Lombards 11:55 Devotions THURSDAY 6:00 Devotions 12:00 News 6:08 Doc Lemon, 12.10 L. Welk News 12:30 Hit Parade 1:00 Fred Waring 1:30 Music Shop 3:00 Doc Lemon, News 9:00 Koffee Klub 9:30 Billboard 9:45 Inspiration 10:00 Your Request Kl OA Radio 940, Des Moines WEDNESDAY 6:00 Ed Montray 12:00 R. J.

Nash 8:00 F. Mitchell THURSDAY 6:00 Don Bell 2:00 0. Mackinnon 9:00 D. Mackinnon 4:00 Don Bell 12:00 Larry Monroe KCBC Radio 1390, Des Moines Music News 24 Hours a Day, Forewarned DALLAS, TEX. UP) The prowlers who forced open the office safe at the Lee Slaugh ter Lumber Co.

and found nothing would probably be doubly frustrated had they noticed a sign on the strong dox. ic reaa: "ims safe is not locked." R3 Dei Molnei Deaths ainAnHHA Ivan 45 nf 471 Kourih dud Tuaauajr at Vatarana tinnpiiai. Mil, LEU Mm. Tnona. 3T, of Tit Parlt tii4 WiHtntMiior at Btoadluwna fianarni iioarmHi.

CHM.l.l.'TB Jnaanh T. Orn4 dial 4. of S440 ill RKKSB JoMPh BS, of 10(11 Bixih rilad Wadnaadty at Vi- trans uuapuai. Traffic The following have ap peared in municipal court Names, ages, addresses and dispositions those on court records. Before Judge Don L.

Tidrick Wilbur Hth. 17, of anni Hull 45 niilca an hour In ij5-mil tout. iiaw, Kvrivtl I HrnAVrufHl, 20, inklaaa drlvlnff. nf 2sno Klnaay racklaaa drivln tdott Knlow, 4015 TMrly-aecond MM, paid, aiHdinf 47 iriiica an Hour in ii in mm. pniu.

Kvr-tt Kunraaa, Bt. of (t'5 Marion pauint 3tf miiai an iwur in 23 "ill. aw nmrt Marl hurknaill. 45. of 1318 I.

W. M'Kinley apaadlnir 40 mi In an dour In 3-mn mna. iu, pain. Paul W. I umnilnra, 4, ot GM roMy-eoii4 au, no buuiavara nop, Im Stuart.

31, of 4217 Scott no annm iiKiii aiop, pajn. tn Jww storwt, BO, of 3401 8. W. Twanty-Iourm no oounvaro imp, IVllliam Mnrphr. 2723 E.

Walnut aprrdlna 34 mllas an nour In 2S mil iina, $11, paid, Travl. n. H'altrra. 19. of Altoona anrfxline 48 milea an hour In 34-mlle on.

113. paid. Henry Tfrriii, 3. of B. Twanty.

t.iih at nn arhnnl atntv S.Y nalrl. Juki Kmllh. 25. nf 028 KlrkWOOd apdlnit 35 miln an Hour In 2J.mll zona. ant.

pain. N'patl Vandarwail, 49, of 631 K. Cnucla apacdlnff 36 milei an hour In 25-mne aona. ill. pain, (ilran D.

Allan. 3T. of 4210 E. Fourteenth apeerilng B0 mllaa an hour in 35-tnll zona, 135, paid; no alsnal light atop, 5, paid. Loaala Booker.

72, of 2810 Chlcaio no ncnai Hint atop. S3, pam. Flmrf M. Coleman. 35.

of 1023 Fifth ipeettlng 43 milea an hour In 25-mut zona, pain. Rnarll Knoon. 55. of Ankany. apardlna 37 milea an bour In 25-mlla ton.

(12. paid. Kalth Mllfa. 45. of Indlanota.

apaed- fnr 37 mllaa an nour In Z5mua zona, $12. paid. IValrrr Mlrkrlann. 28. of 2121 E.

Twaltth anaadlnit 44 mllaa an hour In 30-mllo zona. $14, paid. David Rlrhardmn. 30. of 474t T.

Thlrtlub apaHlnr 35 milea an nom in X3-mna zona. paid. Martin P. Honnn, 23. ot Slater, rarUlaa drlvln.

2 pa'd. nnrothv Roharton. 41. of 5011 Country Cluh apaarllne 42 miles an hour In 30-mf'a zone. S12.

paid. (burlM K. AndfMon. 20. of Orlmf.

an'-dine 37 milea an hour In 25-mlla zonr ai2. naifi fiy 5 of 510 Fourth v. eat pea Mnmaa apeentng 44 mi'-a an hour In 30-mila zone, $14, paM. rarmll Blonia. 23.

of 1S1T Franklin anaedinc 3s milea an hour in 25-ml' zone. $13. pild. Claranre Cimnlnffham. 110ft Fllmora at.

no aiai ucnt atop. $3. pall. Mirr Drllara. 37 of 743 Nine teenth apaadinar 42 mllaa an hour in zona.

iiz. paid. Tlmrn. .74 ef Am ThlrHr. flrt spaedina 39 mllaa an bour in 30-mf'a zone.

$5. paid. Arthur Herrmann. 21. of 1444 '-iyn at, racklesa driving, 15 daya In krnneth Hopaon.

27. of 108 Jeffer-aon no alsnal light atop. $5, TaM. Harold Iwla. 48.

of 2070 E. Grand no acnoni gtoo. g3. paid. Iallo A.

Norman. 21. of 1905 E. Twenty-fifth court, no algnal light fildnrr ltonfleld. 7119 DelMatro apeeoinK mnea an nour In zino.

S5 nald. I.iran Snvder. 24. of 1345 Twentv-alxth apaedlng 3S milea an hour in a-miie zona, au, pain. Accident Record (A reported to De Moinea pnllre) 1957 1956 Accl- In- Accl- In- denta Jurad danta Jured Collfalon of automobilea 535 6S9 480 6S4 108 109 10S 112 AutomoDlle, trolley bua or train 7 Other autotnobila accldenta 74 Deatba 18 84 3 65 (Aj reported by Coroner R.

Core In Johnson) 1957' 1958 Deatna to oat, paneatrtan atruck by automobile Deatha to data, automobile-trolley bua or train Deatha to date, automobile colltalnna Dentha to data, otiier automobile accldenta 1 Iowa Deaths BURMNOTON Joseph Hartman. Mra. Elsie Stlnnib Friedel. 65; Mrs. Jtozella Coolbaush.

77: Georpe Want. 87: Harold Linn Davison. 74: Harry Hanson, 70; Mrs. Zella Mae Sumstlne. 44.

CALAMI'S Cindy Ver Schulz. 2. daughter of Mr. and Mra Herbert fichulz. Mrs.

James Krall. 66. CLINTON Lewis K. Stephens, 79; Chrtatlan Bolsan, 80; Mrs. Viola May.

72: Patricia. Marie Goera, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fiwayne Goers: Mrs. Jacob Enaler.

67; Francis P. Callahan. 83; William F. Smith; Mrs. Charles Thom*oaon.

74: Bessie CKiddard. 76: Edward Sweitzer. 70; N. B. McKlnzle.

78: Mrs. Mary A. Thom*oaon. 74: Frank Miller. 87.

CRKSCO Mrs. Deno Kratz. 61. CRESTON Amanda C. Carlson, 84, Afton; Ara Smith.

79; Mrs. J. W. Gis-albla. 08; Florence Hayworth.

53. DAVENPORT Dan Cullnana. 78. Rlverdale: Emmett K. Jordan.

69, former resident, at Hemet, Cat Lant D. Klmbertv. 40. former realdent. at 111.: Robert Cohn.

71. DeWlTT George M. Yates. 61. EMMKTSRI'RG Mra.

Albert Shaffer. SO Mallard. FORT ATKINSON Ray Plomteaus, 75. MRNFR Julluf Boehnka. 78.

KKIKlk Mrs. Joseph M. OBIen-ess. 81: Connie Sue Protsman, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra.

Joe Protsman; Mra. David Hendricks. 66. VVar-aaw. Mra.

Arthur L. Bye. former resident, at Cedar Ranlds. IjiPORTK C1TV Charles Bank, 84. MARS Clarence Kllae.

72, at Fnrt Collins. Carl Potts. 61; Mra. Felix Weldenfeller. 57.

at Sinn City. MASON ITV Loren C. Briar, 43, former resident, at Walnut. 111. McCACSLAND Ivan Claire Kopp, 68jVEWTOV Gerrlt Den Beaten.

78. OTTL'MVVA Dickie Dean Carter, 17 REINBECK Mrs. Esvella Brlggl, 90. REMSEN Mrs. Lucy Beta Earns-den.

72. SIOCX CITV Louis Levin. 70, mer-rhant: Frita Bnhle. 76. farmer: Porter M.

Paulson. 57. salesman; Henry O. Forsmoe. 56.

merchant; Albert B. Morgan. 78, painteM Alreal McManon. 46. Movlll.

salesman; Eva Honeywell Peckernianeh, 81, Oto: Sadie Gilbertn, 80; W. Johnson. 71. Akron, farmer; Charles Baringer. 62.

Sloan: c.eorte M. Dilley. 62. salesman: Carl Fromknecht. 77, railroadman; Edward H.

Tumltovich. S3, butcher: Rav F. r'-een. 68. trucker: June featon r.vrr-ett.

43: Anna Troy Rtokord. 80: Rnv 1 64. salesman; Arthur FrMienfiM 57. butcher. WATERLOO Mra.

Nellie ickers. 87: Jnmea McCahen. fi. Clutler: Mrs. Cladvs 54: Raymond 53.

ctadbrook; Mrs. Mattie Mae Johnson, 72 WEST POINT Ramona Sue Overton. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. Forest Overton.

Leader, Dies at 60 NEW YORK, N. (INS) Dr. Frederick R. Knubel, one of the foremost members of the United Lutheran Church in America, died Tuesday night at a New Rochelle, N. hospital.

Dr. Knubel, 60, suffered a heart attack Sunday night. He had been president of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and New England since 1944. Dei Molnci Births At Mi-rry Huapllnli CHAi'MAW Mr, ard Mr. Raymond 1410.1 lUavr mtid a rtntithter PAIIDI.K Mr.

and Mrs. Uala, 3211 viuviiiy a a'liiKniar, At toa l.aiheraa HoinliaJi blTI TI-Kll-Mr. and Wra. Lowell. 1152 Twanty-aacoiid' a son.

GE llll A ll lT Mr. and Mra, Alan, 1205 mt. Aiauiiai a aon. Al li Mi-thudlal HiMDllali AIHI.B Mr. and Mra Vtrnon l.icitt Hjyr a daualiur.

Bi.KI.KR-Ur. and JAre. Uuy K. of inuianoia, a aun. Divorces Asked Inea Juanlta co*ckayne va.

Kenneth Bavatly ii', Peterson vs. Melvln K. Paterann Virginia Mae Gracay Larry f.racay, Koaetia Francaa vs. Dale White bunlap. Allen va, Robert Lalloy Alle (ieorga Jefferson va, Florence eiiamon.

Divorces Granted Cwentb, Paliwlta, J. Pallwltt from Helm Iowa Licenses to Wed Bl'HLiNOTON Jack L. Bnaary. 28, and Nellie Koger: Hubert Jules Chum- riane, 37, and Muriel Mae buach 21': rr.iarlck Moaliia, 46, and Miriam Oiliba, 33, ShetHiynan, Dnnaid Iean Co4par, 18, and Eleanor Lluina Snnili, 17: (van Chomyna. 19.

and Bonnie Lou Hockey, 10. Oakaloosa. I HARI.fcK I ITV Alvln John Was- lirlck, 26, and Margerle Baatrlce Long- aine, 34 nMin or Minneapolis. Minn, CLINTON Jamaa L. Chandler.

Ca- manche, and Cecelia Kohler; Donald A. Laaa and Janice Mackenzie; Walter Kalrles and Gloria Kanzia, both of Chi cago, 111. Gary 1.. Leslie and Beverly Ann Burreu, notn or unicago, in. l.uther Jones and Mary Lewis, both Chicago, Roger L.

Gammon and Grtrud Daisy Ann CHrmns; Herbert Welftht nrl Louvlna. Kimo. both ot Chicago, Harold R. Oorznev, 24, Calamus, anil Shirley Ann Cook, 23, QuokttL and Janint C. Fuller.

IK; Lor in Simpson, 32, and Emma Simp, son, 29: John E. Slkyta. 17. and Donna F. Moshure, 14, both of Chicago.

Daniel Moravec. 22, and Sandra Smokes, both of Chicago, Wayne D. Acres. IS. Dolton.

111., and Deana Marie Turn. 18, Chicago, III. CRENCu Paul E. Johnson, 30, and James, 29, both of Cedar Rapid; K. Neil Hlchey, 19, and Nancy M.

Has-kovec, 20, both of Waterloo; Clarence Bveen, 39, Whalen. and Olive Johnson, 51, Winona, Winn. CBKHTOV Robert A. Day, 24, Af-ton, and Reftfna Hawks. 21.

DAVENPORT David Byron Ander. son, 21, and LaVona Jean Ruprecht, 18; William Gerald Donnelly. 27, and Louise Henrietta Kloppenborg, 19; William Howard Crownover, 24, and Nancy Helen Mangelsdorf. 20; Cecil James Curry, 23, and Khlrley Ann Stanper. 22; Jay Edwin Hennine.

18, and Sally Jane Field. 18: Georee Henry Mier, 25, and Margaret Ruth Mooney. 29; Thomas Joseph Luak, IB. and Joan Alice Mclnerney, 15. both of Oaklawn.

James Rnymond Howell, 18, Hampton, and Plana tree Haw-ley. 15; Lee Devers Hovy. 23. a nd Ueiores Mae Palmer. 25: Howard Oliver Sampson.

22, and Jo Arm Hans 18. liLRIJULE Kenneth D. Ne.r 21 and Ruth Helen Quam. 19. both of Lodl, Jack C.

Llnberg. 22. and Jane Marion Trlbby, 18, both of New London. Lyle L. Adelman.

24, Belolt, and Margaret Sparks, 22, iron Mountain. Mich. Earl E. Berendes. Bellevue.

and Ruth Ann J' horn as. Zwingle: David T. Osterberger. 0. and Rita M.

Kutsch, 19; Gerald B. Hingtgen, 20, and Jeanetta Schrobil- fn, ia; IjOuis E. Warzyn, 5 and elva J. Wohlrahe. 35.

both of Winne bago, Kenneth Thorns, 37. and Mary Jane SUckbauer, 36, both of Oahkosh Richard J. Burgmeler and Martens Slowey; Vemlca N. Davis, 22. and Ross Marie Moll tor.

19: Jack L. Earl and Elalns A. GaseU; Gordon Turnmeyer. 21, and Virginia Calkins. 19.

both or Oshkonh. Raymond PfrkeL 22. and Lucille Law- ler, 17. both of Madison. Eugene D.

Royce. 26. and Lorraine will, man, 35. both of Milwaukee. Wis.

vin am Leroy Tortorice. 20. and Mavis Ann Crume. 18. both of Madison.

Gerald W. Hansel. Garher, and Mains T. Lucas. Ho Cross: Merle L.

Clark. 35. and Betty R. Turner. 27, both of Ju'la.

Jrancis K. Turner. 2 and Shirley Sirek. 20. both of Beloit.

Wis. Joseph SchmeJing and Shirley Amscluer. both of Mihvaukee. Wis. Milton Frederick Babler.

20. Montlcello, and Beverly Jean Spring. 16. New Glarua. Wis Albert A.

Miller. 20. and Carol Wright. 17. Key West; Gene A.

Smith, 24, Kenosha. and Yvonne McDowell. 2. Cascade; Kenneth Peterson, 38. and Sarah Pa pi a.

38, both of Milwaukee. Wis. Elmer O. Zuelke. 30.

and Yvonne M. Cooner- smlth. 24, both of Green Bay. and Frances E. Ahl.

17, Manitowoc, Charles Kuzmlc. 22. Water- Donald Miller. 17 Two Rivers ford. and Caro R.

DeBack. 21. Union Grove. James F. Caasady, both of Janesville, Wis.

Benjamin J. Chrlstopherson, 30. and Shirley Ann Hoops. 31, both of Janesville. 23 and Barnara A.

enrstman. 19. Armur k. Bcnwanen. xo.

ana eamara M. Simons. 20. both of Two Rivers. Jimmte L.

Ward. 21. Northlake. and LaWanda Clark. 16.

Melrose Park. 111.: Harry Miller. 65. and Maude Craft. f5.

both 6t Milwaukee. Wis. EMMKTSHLHG William F. Jer-ens and Barbara Anllker, both of Ranlds: Edward L. Grimm.

22, and Barbara Klepper, 22, both of West Karole J. Hansen, 20. Ruthven Ronald James Hagenbucher, 25, Paullina, and Jean Marie Brenna, 22. Mallard. Bend: Jack tiraen zi.

fepencer. and Parkersburg and Pearl C. McNabb. Canada. iiv i samuei Koder lk mars -Burton Heatn.

Vivian. S. and Svl1a Adams. Akron; John Larsen, Sac City, and Coleen Turking-ton, Kiiigsiey. 24, Edge wood, and Etta M.

Timmer-man, 17 Strawberry Point: Norman HAAt HtMtK unester u. namiett. Brenner, Mapieton, and ueiores A. Crowley, Ryan; William E. Muller, 23, Montlcello, and Jean M.

Recker, 18, Coggon. mason it Gary V. Lorenz. 1'2. and Mary Ellen Nyhus, 18, both of Clear Lake; Louis M.

Whalen. 43, beth Paul, 51, St. Paul. Ken Minneapolis. ana iNeiia iza- neth James Hart, 4.

and Donna Mae Slonski, 25. both of Minneapolis. William Euaene Cadv. 23. and Kath- erine Efleen Nelsen.

39. both of Min-neanolis. Vincent Oscar Lun- deen. 2S. Minneapolis.

and Sharon Lee Zak, IS. McGregor. Paul Black. 42. and Vircinia Delmont, 33.

both of St. Paul. Clifford Leonard Berseth, 41, and Marian Fran ces Carson. 35. both of Minneapolis, Jerry Wavne Duckworth.

21. Cushing. and Jeanette Marie K.a)fer. in. nasi nrs.

nn AKHT -KOhert T. MOtlltt. 'Z'Z. and Kav Muck. 1.

Co fax. uTTL MH A Jarvis u. Owens. Uar- Hsle, and Marilyn Stocker, Cedar Rapids. fSiOLX city Thomas Harring ton, 24.

and Jacqueline Montgomery, dra Nelson. 18; Robert Schwenk, ton, 20; Ramon Wycoff, 27. HInton, Z4. xanaton, h. and Manene uomp.

Smith. 25. and Evelyn Fulkerson. 27. ana jviarnvn Knapn.

-za: mcnara i. Nevada; Roger F. Mummert, 25, Aurelia. and Barbara Montgomery. 24: Guy Hempey, 21, and Patty Ken- derdine.

ai: Byron ijeiooia, zi, wood- Dine, ana Margaret tjorev, ik, uuniap; George B. Sohmitt. 1 8. Springfield, Vlaanderen. 21.

and Joan Berkeme r. ana jieien tierEer. i i nomas 9: Gene R. Hansen. 20.

Hinton. and Frances Bennett. 1 9 Vincent Zettle tid Rose oiiphant; Edward smith, 2. Chattanooga, and Cherrrl Farris. IS; Robert Santos, 22.

West norx, ana rena Kice. 2i. cnero. lone Robbing 33. both nf Omaha.

Neb. ee Tnomas J. iiunoy. ri. and Mar- WEST I'NIfiV Robert Edward O'e- sen.

23, and vena Mae Boettcher. 19, both of Hawkeye; Wayne Havenstrite, 19. Clermont, and Carolyn Anderson. 18: Gary Beermann, 22. nd J-ni- stokePberrv.

22. Oelwem: Owen Stokesberrv, 2 2. Oelwein: Own Franks. 22. and Karen Lee Meisgeier, 19, both of Oelwein.

License to Wed Outside Iowa ROCK ISLAND ILL. Charles Von Maur, Bettendorf, and Nancy Frank, Pleasant Valley; Joseph Castro. Bettendorf, and Carmen Morales, Mollne; Lacy Thrash and Osa Thompson, both oi xsetienaon. Building Permits Gerald D. Grubb, at 3024 Twana drive, brick veneer dwelling.

S20.000. John Polito. at 3019 Sixteenth uwriui's uuii riii, ftu'i, R. S. Burgher, at 516 S.

E. Broad en race. S550. Dean Rkeie. at 105 Fifty-second dwelling.

S14.5O0. James Brvdon. at 1324 E. Twenty- rourin parage. D.

A. Soda, at l.Vts and 333 Thirty-fifth dwellings. $15,000 each; at 3426 Eastwood drive, dwe) ling. S15.nnn: at 1536 E. Thirtv fourth brick veneer dwelline.

500; at 1537 and 1525 E. Thirty-fifth dwellings. $14,500 each. Joe Ness, at 4140 Fifty-fourth dwelling addition. S2.O0O.

John W. Nichols, at 1919 Cottage Grove 2-story masonry building (conn-actor's office), $12,000. S. Homes. at 3916 Fifth dwelling, $11,500.

ister. Jacob Albright Rites Thursday Services for Jacob Albright, 85, of 1911 Twelfth who died of a heart attack at his home Monday, will be at 3 p. m. Thursday at the Hamilton Funeral Home. Burial will be in Laurel Hill Cemetery.

A r- Mr. Albright had operated Albright's Des Moines Bird Store since ALMiK.HT 1924. He previously was treasurer of the Iowa Seed Co. Born in Sheboygan County, he came to Des Moines from Grand Junction 65 years ago. He was ill one day.

He was a member of Capital Masonic Lodge, the Des Moines Consistory, Knights Templar and Des Moines Chapter No. 89 of the Eastern Star. Surviving are one son, William C. of Des Moines; a sister, Mrs. Anna Gaylord of Des Moines; two grandchildren and four great-grand children.

Year-Old Strike Is Ruled Legal District Judge Tom K. Mur- row ruled Wednesday that a year-old strike and picketing of Williams Laundry and Dry Cleaning, is legal. The strike, called by Local 104, Laundry Workers and Dry Cleaners Union, has been in effect at Williams Laundry, 818 E. Fourteenth st since October, 1956. Judge Murrow dismissed a petition by the laundry owners, Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Williams, for a court order restraining the union from continuing the strike and picketing their establishment. The court said it was law ful for the union to strike, as long as union members were employed by the laundry, and that the picketing was a pro test against the employers refusal to negotiate a renewal contract. Report Czechs, Reds in Fights VIENNA, AUSTRIA (INS) Travelers arriving from Prague said Wednesday that there have been street fights every night recently between anti-Communist Czechs and Red police. One eyewitness said each police patrol has been reinforced to four men because of the continuing incidents.

Czech security police were reported Tuesday to have arrested 12 persons in a five-day drive against "hooligans with antistate tendencies." By Jack O'Brlan NEW YORK, N. Y. (INS) The Pat Boone show unloaded its produc- er, Joe Ymii) lOlir of the most jy tasteful ex- Kpil ecutive ar- tisls in TV (J meaning the CO show won't Wface the real problems of Pat's I drooping status Director Frank Satenstein, Gleason hand, also goes. Patti Page is far better in her filmed quarter-hours than on the Big Record. Liberace's guest shot on ABC-TVs "Date With the Angels" Friday night will be the unique end: No candelabra, and no Brother George! Tuesday night's George Gobel show wasn't 'offbeatjust off Hedy' GORKI, HKDV I.AMAKR Lamarr was in bad voice, with acting to match.

In "Broken Arrow," the Indian agent compounds 'the script's ineptitude by speaking an embarrassing pidgin English. Teddt King has loads of vocal talent and musical intelligence but someone should get her to the right dress designer and hair stylist. It's a brand new TV season, all right: Lawrence Welk ran third Saturday behind Polly Bergen and Gale Storm. Hope Sponsor Cancels LOS ANGELES, CAL. UP) Bob Hope's guest appearance on Frank Sinatra's television program last Friday has cost Hope the sponsorship of a watch company, Timex Corp.

NBC has not yet accepted the cancellation sent in by Timex. A meeting is scheduled in New York between network lawyers and the watch company's counsel. Hope announced after the show that Timex said it was dropping him because the Sinatra program carried a commercial of a rival watch firm, Bulova. Paper or Iron The proper present to give your wife on your first wedding anniversary should be of paper or iron, so traditioa says. fckft Th Mill Wl i-Fi Salon NOW a a a SO YOU COI1 hear Hi-Fi as it should be in homelike surroundings.

Complete selection of price range and styling. Hi-Fi Specialists Free Home Trial Portable Models from $9995 Console Models from $I7995 Called Wise By Fred Lazcll Mrs. Florence Blatz of Washington, vice-presi dent of the American Nur ing Home Association, said here Wednesday that stiffer fire and safety regulations ap proved by the last legislature for Iowa nursing homes are "wise and judicious. "But the proper administration of the new acts needs larger appropriations so the bureaus charged with carrying out the new regulations have sufficient personnel to do the job correctly," she said. Mrs.

Blatz, who addressed the Iowa Nursing Home Association convention at Hotel Kirkwood, said serious nursing home fires in Iowa and Missouri last year "brought a rash of demands for stricter enforcement of fire safety regulations. "All nursing home operators have a serious moral obligation to improve facilities and fire safety standards as quickly as possible and to co-operate fully with state and Jocal authorities in carry ing out new regulations," she asserted. Senator Martin Ia.) told the 200 delegates that the care of elderly and convalescent persons is becoming a steadily increasing problem as the nation grows older. He said the federal social security program will need a broader tax base, including raising the salary on which the social, security tax applies and possibly raising the tax rate. "It will be a real problem selling a higher social security tax rate to the public until we have a thorough actuarial analysis of the soundness of the program and just what is needed for the future," he said.

Martin was introduced by Representative ningham who told the convention: "The news columns are full of rockets and satel lites and their possible military significance but persons in Washington who know what's actually being done in our own defense program are not frightened the least bit." Mrs. Sutherland Funeral Is Set Services for Mrs. Luther C. Sutherland, 50, of 2630 Ar thur ave who died of pneu monia Monday at Iowa Luth-' eran Hospital, will be at 10:30 a. m.

Thursday at the Hamilton Funeral Home. Burial will be in the ceme- s. tery at da. Mrs. Suther land, who had been ill two MRS.

SUTHERLAND weeks, was born at Hiteman and had lived here 49 years, Surviving are her husband; two daughters, Sharon and Linda; a son, Richard; her mother, Mrs. Mary Neighbor; three sisters, Ann Neighbor, Mrs. Elizabeth Hall and Mrs. Jennie Barber, and a brother, William, all of Des Moines, Maness Starts Jail Sentence Omer Elbert Maness. who pleaded guilty Oct.

15 in Polk County district court to a charge of driving while in toxicated, began serving i sentence Wednesday in the county jail. Judge Carroll O. Switzer sentenced Maness to not more than 60 days in jail in lieu of a $300 fine, or one day for each $5 that is not paid. Maness, who gave his ad dress as 1410 Seventh was arrested July 27 at Ninth, and High streets. Yah cv hrthSTEPS shortest walk in town 'c? average 30 step if you Cs want to bank inside Ve at Capital City.

OurU i convenient parking lot will save -A you lots of time and lots of steps. Here's I PARir.WWIIF. yf 1 BANKING Service at i cfo finest! ff bankinf aarviaa la tha finaat la Oaa ttalaai. ONLY Cut by 10 The state tax commission Wednesday cut the assessed, valuation of personal property for 1958 taxation In the city of Burlington by 10 per cent. The commission had cut the real estate valuation reported to it for Burlington by the same percentage earlier.

The Burlington city council then appealed for the corre sponding reduction, in the personal property valuation. Burlington a ed values for 1958 had been increased nearly 50 per cent over those for previous years as the result of a recent professional appraisal. In order to bring valuations in Burlington and nearby Des Moines County towns more closely in line' the tax commission also increased the real estate valuations 10 per cent over those reported for Danville, 15 per cent over those reported for Medi- apolis, 20 per cent over those reported for West Burlington and 25 per cent over those reported for Middletown, Commission Chairman Leon I Miller, said. The tax commission also i decided to accept the valua-i tions reported to it for the city of Humboldt- An increase had been considered. TONIGHT ON TELEVISION AT 8:30 P.M.

C.S.T. another great drama of the thrilling trek to the West starring MARK STEVENS JOANNE DRU WARD BOND ROBERT HORTOff THE NELS STACK STORY brought to you by YOUR EDSEL DEALER WHO-TV Channel 13 New Location Saltl ALUMINUM COMBINATION Siorm-Screen WINDOWS Kfff. $24.00 Value NOW ONLY I ANY SIZE l'p to 32x63 Openlnjr NO DOWN PAYMENT Years to Pay AIX-ALUMINUM COMBINATION Re. $59.95 95 SELF-STORING COMBINATION DOOR $89.95 PHONE TODAY CH 3-6237 or write to BEECEE MFG. SUPPLY S3I0 S.

W. 9th St. WAGON TRAIN tip I aili II. -a GENE NICHOLSON INVITES YOU TO VISIT HIS NEW is 6" 1 hi'M 1 Model No. H.

F. 1284 THE RHAPSODY F.M.-A.M. Radio Hi-Fi Console Custom Cobra-Matic Record Changer 21-12" woof- ers 2 electrostatic tweeters 16 watts of power output Studio Sound Control Panel Zenith FM-AM Radio Record Storage Space Cabinet of veneers and solids in 5 different color finishes. Walnut, Ebony, Blond Oak, Sable Gray, French Walnut i nil A MV Y. RTIKEM KN'T CHANGES IN ROCK ISLAND TRAIN SCHEDULES become effective OCTOBER 27, 1957 for complete information contact ROCK ISLAND LINES B.

A. MENDENHALL, City Ticket Agent W. H. WEIK, Assistant General Passenger Agent 421 Grand Ave. Phone CHerry 4-9141 Des Moines 9, Iowa grape stompers i Who needs grapes! You'll stomp for pure joy when you see and drive the '58 De Soto at your De Soto dealer's Nov.

1. Remember the date for the '58! De Soto is 310 GENE NICHOLSON CapimSCdii STAtl I AUK AST LOCUST AT Ma UiMKI FEDERAL DiaoSlT INSURANCE CORPORATION rh. at S-1T33 1331 Keo Way.

Des Moines Tribune from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.